The Media in the UK are Killing Females

without any punishment

Sam H Arnold
Published in
7 min readDec 1, 2021


The British media have been responsible for many deaths of celebrities. Most of these deaths have been women, who they seem to treat much more harshly than their male counterparts. Never have the media been made accountable for these deaths or any of their other practices.

The only case where they were held responsible was that of Milly Dowler. Famous for hacking into the mobile phones of the famous, the News of the World started hacking into the voicemail of the missing teenager. Unfortunately, their actions caused both the police and the parents to believe Milly was still alive when a serial killer, Levi Bellfield, had murdered her. The fallout from this incident caused the News of the World to shut down and many editors to be held responsible, none more so than Piers Morgan.

Many cases highlight the disgusting behaviour of the media, none more so than these three women who tragically lost their live’s after being relentlessly pursued by them.

Princess Diana

Princess Diana was at The Ritz in Paris; she wanted to leave and go and stay at her boyfriend Dodi Fayed’s flat. However, the paparazzi were relentless in pursuing her, having parked outside the front of the hotel. So princess Diana devised a clever plan, she would have…



Sam H Arnold

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