The Messiah Vs The Pornographer

A severed relationship and thumb.

Hogan Torah
Published in
8 min readSep 23, 2020


Rob Black & William Welch, 2000 Photo onlineworldofwrestling

The unsolved mystery of who cut off William Welch’s thumb almost 20 years ago.

The Messiah

On August 1st, 2002 William Welch was playing video games at his home in Los Angeles, California. At the time William was working in the Southern California pro wrestling scene as a wrestler. His gimmick or pro wrestling name was The Messiah.

There was a knock on the door and William opened it to find two large black men on the other side. He had assumed they were friends of his roommate and let them in. He resumed playing video games when two men brutalized him.

The attackers duct-taped his wrists together. They then cut off one of his thumbs with gardening sheers. His attackers hit him over the head many times with whatever was handy including a fish tank to try to knock him out. When that was unsuccessful the attackers then attempted to take William’s pants off to sever his penis.

Though his hands were bound, William was able to fight them off. The attackers took what they came for and left his house. An ambulance arrived shortly after to rush him to the hospital. They were unable to reattach his thumb because his attackers took it.



Hogan Torah

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