The Mysterious Ghost Ship That Killed Her Crew and Sunk Without a Trace

The SS Ourang Medan, what is the truth?

Sam H Arnold
Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2023


Author’s Own Art

The tale of SS Ourang Medan, on the surface, looks like a boating incident. It reportedly exploded off the Strait of Malacca in the 1940s. However, when the case is explored further, there are more questions than answers.

For a start, all the crew of the fated ship died under mysterious circumstances. Some say pirates attacked the boat; others stated that the crew was transporting dangerous chemicals, which killed the crew and caused the ship to explode.

Some also state that the SS Ourang Medan was a complete fantasy and the ship never existed. So what is the truth of this maritime mystery, you decide?

What we know

In the 1940s, the Silver Star sailed through the Strait of Malacca when it picked up a strange message from another ship.

We float. All officers, including the captain, dead in the chartroom and on the bridge. Probably whole of crew dead… I die. — Ourang Medan

The Silver Star changed course to investigate. When they found the ship, a group of men boarded the boat only to find a gruesome sight, all the men onboard were dead.



Sam H Arnold

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