The Origin of “Don’t Take Candy From Strangers”

The high profile kidnapping that shocked the nation

Ryan Fan


A likeness of kidnapped Charles Brewster RossPublic Domain

On July 1, 1874, a horse-drawn carriage pulled over to a Germantown house in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Two men came out of the carriage to approach four-year-old boy, Charles (Charley) Brewster Ross, and his older brother, Walter Lewis Ross. At the time, the boys’ father was running his business in the dry goods store while not watching them, and their mother was in Atlantic City while recovering from her illness. The two men offered the boys candy and fireworks if they rode in the carriage.

The two boys rode with the men in the carriage through Philadelphia. Charley started screaming he wanted to go home. The men gave Walter 25 cents to buy fireworks in a store, but while he was buying fireworks, the carriage left. After Walter walked out of the store, no one saw Charley again.

According to the staff at People Magazine, the kidnapping of Charley Ross was America’s first known kidnapping for ransom.

But paraphrasing Bill James, author of Popular Crime: Reflections on the Celebration of Violence, it’s hard to know what actually happened, and multiple conflicting accounts exist of the whole Charley Ross episode, or whether his name was Charlie Ross or Charley Ross (since newspaper accounts use…



Ryan Fan

Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.” Support me by becoming a Medium member: