The Pyromaniac Arson Investigator

John Orr sought power so he could create chaos.

AJ Wiseman


John Orr was born and raised in Los Angeles. He became fascinated by fires and firefighters as a child after witnessing a house set ablaze in his neighborhood. Watching the raging fire gave the young boy a rush of excitement he hadn’t felt before.

As an adult, he joined the Air Force and their fire-fighter school. Unfortunately for Orr, it was not the experience he hoped for. On top of that, his time in the military made him develop a distaste for authority. He was a cocky, know-it-all, and that narcissistic attitude created tension and conflict with every boss and superior that he ever had.

He realized that he wanted to be a person in power instead of someone who took orders, and a fireman did not offer the kind of authority he was looking for.

Initial Professional Failure

John Orr felt he was better suited to become a police officer and applied to the Los Angeles Police Department. The physical and written tests were easy enough. Then he failed the psychological exam and was deemed unsuitable.

His attempts to re-apply had to wait a couple of years as the evaluation said he needed to mature before trying again. This began an odd love/hate obsession with the police.

Shaken from the rejection, he reverted to his experience in the military. He applied to the Los Angeles Fire Department and was accepted. All…



AJ Wiseman

A lot of true crime, music, and sports but I throw in life stuff to understand why I’m like this. Hit me up if you want me to do your podcast.