The Secret Life Of An Veteran Officer

A mild-mannered cop hid a big secret from everyone.

Edward Anderson


A yacht Photo by Marcin Ciszewski on Unsplash

When William Leasure was arrested, it sent shockwaves through the Los Angeles Police Department. Theories abounded that the traffic cop must have taken an undercover assignment. There was no way he had committed the crimes that he was accused of.

William married Betsy Mogul in 1974. They were a law enforcement power couple. Betsy was a senior prosecutor. When she ran for LA City Attorney, her husband supported her completely.

While she lost the election, her colleagues encouraged her to continue as a prosecutor and run again in another election. They pointed to her work and her husband’s reputation as a decent cop as the reason she should consider running again.

Most people knew William as a good cop. He hesitated to hand out tickets, preferring instead to give the person a stern talking to. There were no complaints about him abusing his power as an officer.

He seemed content to let Betsy shine. While she worked hard to get promoted and take on extra responsibilities, William did no such thing. For his entire 17 year career, he stayed at Officer II, a step above rookie.

Every once in a while, the unassuming man would surprise his coworkers. One night, he agreed to go…



Edward Anderson

Edward has written hundreds of acclaimed true crime articles and has won numerous awards for his short stories. His most recent book is Barbenheimer.