The Story of the Hungarian Transgender Serial Killer

Pista Pipas murdered several men in the Hungarian countryside in the 1900s.

Akos Peterbencze
Published in
6 min readOct 14, 2020


Photo: SzegediLap

In the early 1900s, there was a rumor going around in the southeastern region in Hungary about a massive, robust woman who dressed and worked like a man. It said that Pista Pipas was a strong female hitman who took up a male identity and killed several men by hanging them in the countryside.

Women in the region used to verbally threaten their partner while having a heated argument or a fight. They said that if they weren’t treating them right, Pipas might come and hang them. Her story was often told as if she was a vigilante of women in the Southern Great Plain.

The truth is that she turned out to be the first Hungarian transgender serial killer.

Finding True Identity

Pista Pipas was born under the name of Viktoria Fodi sometime in 1886 (when asked by the police, she couldn’t recall the exact date of her birth.) She grew up in poverty in the Southern Great Plain in Hungary. Due to the family’s quickly increasing debts, her parents sent her away to work as a servant when she was thirteen years old. After turning eighteen, the farmer she worked for arranged a marriage for her…



Akos Peterbencze

Freelance Grinder. Staff writer at Looper. Contributor: Paste Magazine and more. SUBSTACK: