The Strange Truth Behind Werewolves and the Horrific Murders They Commit

Werewolves are real

Sam H Arnold
Published in
5 min readApr 17, 2022


Werewolves are real
Image by Pablo Elices from Pixabay

Werewolves have been a creature of legend for hundreds of years. However, few know that werewolves were considered real creatures roaming the countryside in ancient times. Many murders in ancient Europe contributed to this mythical beast. A man who can turn himself into a wolf on command. Few accounts include the full moon as a trigger for this behaviour; most reports state that a pact with the devil resulted in the transformation.

These five stories are crimes listed in the archives-real murders with victims and perpetrators who were investigated and prosecuted. These five werewolves would be classified as serial killers in today’s society. Before this, a name needed to be assigned to the killing. Searches and prosecution of werewolves were as vicious as those of witches; unfortunately, fewer cases and details remain in the archives.

Pierre Bourgot and Michel Verdung — The Werewolves of Poligny

In 1521, France found itself in the grip of a werewolf pair. The pair primarily murdered children; however, they started their murder spree with that of a woman who was killed whilst picking peas in her garden. The pair then moved on to a four-year-old girl, who they ate. Their next…



Sam H Arnold

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