The Tragic Story of the Girl Who Inspired the Exorcism of Emily Rose

The real Emily Rose was called Anneliese Michel and lived in Bavaria, West Germany.

Sam H Arnold
Published in
5 min readSep 7, 2022


Anneliese Michel — Public domain

Most people have heard about the 2005 film, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, even if they have not seen it. However, many may not know that the story is based on a true story of a girl named, Anneliese Michel.

During the two years, she was considered possessed; she went through over sixty exorcisms before she died. Many people speculated that the demons who possessed her killed her. Her cause of death, tragically, was far closer to home.

Family Background

Anneliese was born into a highly religious family. The parents and their children would attend mass twice a week.

She was born in 1952 and lived with her family and sisters. Anneliese's eldest sister, Martha, had been born out of wedlock. This had brought great shame to her parents. As a result, her mother had been forced to marry wearing a black veil.

At age eight, Martha passed away from a routine operation, causing the family to believe they were being punished for illegitimacy. This prompted Anneliese's mother to put even more pressure on the young girl, especially regarding prayer and religious devotion.



Sam H Arnold

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