The Unsolved Mystery of the Body With No Organs

If you’re going to Malta anytime soon, you should probably reconsider your destination

Jacob Wilkins


A dead body with an outstretched hand.
Image of a dead body by soumen82hazra (Pixabay)

In July 2016, seventeen-year-old Mike Mansholt travelled with his girlfriend from the German city of Oldenburg to the island of Malta in the south of Europe.

They checked into Astra, a small hotel on the eastern side of the island. The couple spent the next few days enjoying themselves against the picturesque scenery. But rather than returning together, Mike decided to stay for longer and explore the island alone.

His family had no objections to his prolonged stay. They anticipated his return on July 22nd.

But he never came back. The plane arrived and Mike was nowhere to be seen.

The search

In the early hours of the night, the family reported the disappearance to the police in Oldenburg and Mike officially became a missing person. Bernd Mansholt (Mike’s father) went over to Malta to help search for his son.

Camera footage had captured Mike’s movements on July 18th. He was seen leaving his hotel room at ten o’clock in the morning before walking through the lobby and down to the harbour. Here, he can be seen renting a blue-black mountain bike.

