The Woman Who Lost Her Life While Visiting Her Boyfriend

The Tragic Story of Makayla Young

Shenbaga Lakshmi


Makayla Young — the woman who lost her life for no reason
Photo by Duri from Mocup on Unsplash

Makayla Young was a wonderful woman from Spokane, Washington. She grew up with her four siblings and was super close with them. As a kind, warm, and happy person, Makayla did everything for her loved ones.

Makayla was a cheerful extrovert. She loved talking to people and building new relationships. She didn’t care about what people thought and lived life to the fullest.

Yet, the world couldn’t get enough of the 24-year-old girl.

The other side of sunshine

Makayla had two miscarriages, and that devastated her. The once-happy-go-lucky girl turned gloomy and frustrated. It hurt everyone around her to see her like that.

It took Makayla years to get out of that pain, only to be caught in another one.

In 2020, Makayla finally started dating 27-year-old Anthony Fuerte. Upon first glance, Anthony seemed like a kind, caring guy who would give Makayla the life she deserved.

However, as people got to know him, they saw how much of a troubled man Anthony was.

Anthony Fuerte

Anthony was born to parents who didn’t know what they were doing. They were…



Shenbaga Lakshmi

Software engineer chasing cultural stories. 4x Top Writer. Best life tip: Text your friends back! Contact: