Clay The Serial Killer: The Devil’s Phonecall

Unmasking The Storyville Slayer That Prowled The Streets Of New Orleans.

Alphonse JW (Criminal File)
Criminal File
Published in
20 min readSep 15, 2023


A rough sketch of the Storyville Slayer
A rough sketch of the Storyville Slayer- Source — HuffPost

The perpetrator(s) mainly targeted girls and women of African-American descent, aged between 17 and 42, as victims. Most of them were strangled to death, while a number of others were beaten and drowned in canals and rivers, and then dumped in swamps, rivers or canals near highways bordering the western shores of Lake Pontchartrain.

The Modus Operandi of the Storyville Slayer(s) operating in New Orleans during the 1990s.

Here on the Criminal File, we have dealt with our fair share of faceless criminals throughout history. Some like the Servant Girl Annihilator left a calling card at the scene of their crimes while others like the Monster with 21 Faces taunted authorities openly in the media. Regardless of the methods in which they have chosen to make themselves known, their presence and the ongoing mystery of their identity have kept us hooked on their cases but none of the monsters that we have covered so far can compare to how the antagonist of today’s case chose to make their presence known.

Picture this Detective, imagine you are driving home after a long day of work, you are relaxing to the voices of your favorite DJs on your local radio station talking about…

