Robert Hansen ‘The Butcher Baker’: Alaska’s Most Sadistic Serial Killer

How A Cold-Blooded Killer Turned The Last Frontier Into His Hunting Ground All While Running A Bakery

Alphonse JW (Criminal File)
Criminal File


A photo of Robert Christian Boes Hansen
Robert Christian Boes Hansen — Source — Wikimedia Common

His modus operandi was to pick up a prostitute in his car and force her at gunpoint to his home, where he would rape her; he would then take her out to a secluded area and “hunt” her as if she were wild game before shooting or stabbing her.

Robert Hansen’s sadistic modus operandi.

Robert Hansen ran a bakery in Anchorage, Alaska in the late 1970s together with his wife. He was known as the picture-perfect family man, always putting his family first. He had built quite a reputation for himself for his generosity as he was known to hand out free pastries to anyone in need and to the local police officers.

But Hansen had a horrible secret, behind his facade hides the face of Alaska’s most dangerous predator. During the night, when the shutters of his bakery close, he would kidnap and ‘release’ women into the wilderness of Alaska where he then hunted them down with a rifle. This is the sadistic story of The Butcher Baker.

In the dead of the night when all seems quiet and you think you’re safe that’s when evil comes out to play.

