Never Load Too Many Potatoes

Strange laws — one glass of wine, and quieter Philippines

Sarah Cummins
Criminal Law Talk
2 min readJun 29, 2024


A truck loaded with potatoes
Image generated — MS Copilot

1. When in the Philippines, keep quiet

Article 287, paragraph 2, specifies that a person can be sentenced to up to 30 days in prison for inflicting “unjust vexations” or pointless mental anguish. If you’re only bothering people, you can face punishment under this statute, say legal experts.

2. Too many potatoes are bad for you

Any vehicles thought to be transporting more than fifty kilograms (110 pounds) of potatoes is subject to a search warrant issued by the Western Australian Potato Marketing Corporation under a 1946 statute.

3. On paved surfaces, do not lug a board

Some of the laws in the UK are, if not completely out of date, then certainly strange. A board cannot be carried down a London pavement unless the individual is unloading it from a vehicle, which is one of these rules.

4. A woman who is married can only have one glass of wine

The city of La Paz in Bolivia has an uneven stance on alcohol drinking. It is customary to limit married ladies only one glass of wine when dining out.

According to reports, this regulation is put in place to ensure that women do not get too intoxicated and engage in inappropriate behavior with males.

Thanks for reading.😅



Sarah Cummins
Criminal Law Talk

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