This Time Traveler Dude From Year 2256 Turned $800 to $350 Million in Two Weeks?

Because our future was his past!

Aravind Balakrishnan


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Warning: Take every word of this story with a pinch of salt. No, a cover of salt.

44-year-old Andrew Carlssin was arrested by U.S. Federal agents on January 28, 2003, for major SEC violations. What he did was cherry-pick 126 high-risk stocks, invest a combined amount of $800 in all of them, and watch the stocks take off to produce $350 million in two weeks.

The authorities were convinced Mr. Carlssin’s achievements involved fraud. He must have had some insider trading information, and Federal agents had to make him spit out the name of his source.

However, Carlssin, in custody, had a completely different explanation. In his confession, he claimed he was a time traveler from the year 2256.

Remember, this was 2003, and Carlssin, according to his version, was 253 years ahead. He knew which stocks would rise and which would fall. He had seen it all!

The self-proclaimed time traveler said his plan was not to make his stock market success look perfect. He intended to lose some money here and there to make it look natural but was ‘caught in the moment.’



Aravind Balakrishnan

Introvert or Shy? Not sure. Bibliophile or Cine-buff? Both. Nethead or Story-writer? Still dunno. All I know is I want to write to live and I live to write.