Criptext is Changing the Email Business Model

Mayer Mizrachi
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2020

For six months we’ve been developing Criptext Plus, a paid subscription that would unlock premium features including Custom Domains and Aliases. However, just two days before launching Plus we changed course and decided to do something disruptive that no other email company has done: making premium features free.

You see, every email company out there makes users pay for industry-defined premium features, for example personal domains, but we believe that, like encryption, custom domains is such a fundamental feature for an email service that charging for it makes for a poor business model. After all, we built Criptext under the premise that privacy is a right, not a privilege. That said, Criptext does need to generate an income in order to sustain itself. Moreover, a clear business model is key to earning the trust of our community. So, today we’re introducing a clever new business model that’s both simple and transparent: YOUR SUPPORT.

We’re announcing Criptext Plus: a monthly subscription that lets our users support the company and become Criptext insiders. It’s a community honor system that we came up with based on the principles of Pay it Forward. Plus members get a few extra perks which include: Profile Picture Frame, Plus Badge, Early access to new features, Priority Support and Monthly updates from our CEO. As a community driven project, we think we can actually build a better email for all by making it community funded. So, if you love Criptext and you are able to, just join Plus and support the development of our secure email platform. This has never been done before so we really don’t know what to expect from this experiment. Hopefully, we’ll discover that the community we serve is as committed to us as we are to it.



Mayer Mizrachi

CEO & Founder @Criptext. Magna Cum Hack — Picota 2016.