A few things about Russia’s invation to Ukraine

In this article we will show our steps on our work for AD and PR assignment about the Ukrainian crisis.

We started by finding some major information about the effects that the war made to the countries Ukraine-Russia and also to the European Union.

The major effects where about the economic restrictions from the war such as Russia’s banks removal from the SWIFT international paying system, the supply restrictions such as Ukraine and Russia’s account for 30% of the world’s exports of wheat, 19% of corn ,80% of sunflower oil and Russia’s oil distribution to Europe. Some other effects are the immigration problems which are about 7 and counting million people from Ukraine are moving to neighboor countries for escaping the war and also the tourism and event problems for Russia, where many countries and associations banned Russia because of the decision of starting a war.

In the next part of our assignment we presented Henry Kissinger’s 2014 prediction about the war between Ukraine and Russia . He insisted that Ukraine should not have joined either side about being in the West or the East and also Russia’s plan of invation to Ukraine would create isolating problems to the country . Both of the predictions really happened in the end, with the result that both countries experienced major problems.

Later in our project, we pointed the key information from Ukraine’s history, about it’s early history, what is Ukraine today lay at the heart of the Kyivan Rus’ (Rus’ land), a federation of the East Slavic, Baltic, and Finnic peoples of eastern and northern Europe, with its capital in Kyiv.Modern Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus all trace their cultural ancestry to the Kyivan Rus’. The incorporation into Russia, in 1648, Cossacks under Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky rose in revolt against the Poles, took control of Kyiv, and founded the Ukrainian state of Cossack Hetmanate in the area that is today’s central Ukraine. Ukraines history on being a part in the USSR, months after the Bolsheviks took power in the October Revolution of 1917, an independent Ukrainian People’s Republic was proclaimed, but a civil war continued between various claimants to power, including Ukrainian factions, anarchists, Tsarists, and Poland. In 1922, Ukraine became part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Also, we presented it’s situation after the soviet collapse, in 1991, the USSR was dissolved. On August 24, 1991, after the failure of the coup to remove President Mikhail Gorbachev and restore the communists to power, the parliament of Ukraine adopted the country’s Act of Independence.

Our data

The effects of the war :

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How Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could impact you
The long-feared invasion of Ukraine by Russia jolted markets, sent energy prices higher and prompted promises of a new…www.npr.org

Economic dangers from Russia’s invasion ripple across globe
WASHINGTON (AP) — Moscow’s war on Ukraine and the ferocious financial backlash it’s unleashed are not only inflicting…apnews.com

Henry Kissinger’s prediction :

Η “προφητεία” Κίσινγκερ για την Ουκρανία: Είχε προειδοποιήσει από το 2014 για όσα συμβαίνουν σήμερα…
Το άρθρο του Χένρι Κίσινγκερ από το 2014 στην “Washington Post” για το μέλλον -τότε- της Ουκρανίας αποδεικνύεται σήμερα…l.facebook.com

Ukraine’s history link :

Ukraine: A short history of its creation
Ukraine is in the east of Europe, and is bound by Russia to its northeast, east, and southeast, and the Black Sea in…l.facebook.com

New Horizons Team : Aggelos Konstantinidis Nikos Kaskampas Marilina Niki Kritikou

Betty Tsakarestou Mania Xenou

