An ADANDPRLAB crisis case : what really happened to Khalifa Haftar?

A person’s life is full of crises and unexpected moments. Surprises, which
disrupt his daily routine, change the program and impose action. Proper
action, based on logic, leads to the solution of the problem, which is
imperative. Only in this way will a crisis cease to exist.
But what happens when the crisis is not just about a human subject, but
an entire business or organization?
The answer to this question was attempted (and eventually succeeded)
by Ms. Manias Xenou, with the help of the excellent Effie Lazaridou .
The Crisis Management Lab was an innovative undergraduate course.
Usually, the aforementioned field is included only in postgraduate
It all started in October, a landmark month, in which Panteion
University Ad &PR Lab and Ms. Betty Tsakarestou announced to us
that a very creative and exciting year is coming up. In just three months,
we would learn the basics of crisis management in the business world:
what should be the first reaction of the company, who is responsible for
informing the media and public, who is conducting research in order to
find the cause and, of course, who will take the decision to solve the
problem. And somehow, so the journey begins!
Our first point is to define the crisis in the business world, because in
order to find a solution to a problem, you must first find its roots.
Crisis is a big unforeseen event that threatens to harm an organization
and all its partners (Coombs, 1999).
A crisis is a critical point or decision that if not addressed immediately
could cause damage or disaster (Forge 2002)
A crisis is an unforeseen event or perception (not what you perceive, but
how you perceive it) that can lead to disaster (Metric Institute 2009).
Our second station is the pre-crisis preparation, because prevention is
the best way to deal with the solution. It is essential to set up a crisis
management team, in which everyone assumes their role, fulfills their
obligations and collaborates with others.

Third and basic pillar: the steps we must take, during the crisis, at the
most important stage of the whole process. The correct and timely
communication of the company with those involved and those who will
seek information about the event must be excellent.
The fourth stop on our path is the proper handling of the media. What
information should be published? How important is the choice of truth
and how it is presented? Who will be responsible for this
The fifth and final station are the initiatives of the crisis team after the
end of the crisis. Preventive measures for the future and evaluating their
movements are at the heart of the process.
In this story, we have had the role of journalists, representatives of press
and web sites.
What are the key functions of Media in a crisis situation?
The importance of Media in times of crisis it is especially high, because
of the need for information and awareness of the entire society.
The aim of the journalists is to discover the background of the crisis, the
facts behind the words and the official announcements of the official
bodies. Thus, a small difference, which can be observed from the first
press release to the second, becomes a focal point of the report.
Initially, communication is with the Press Officer Managers Of The
Official States or The Company. But it doesn’t stop there. Then, anyone
can turn it into an information transmitter. Reports continue and the
first contradiction creates the first news.
This situation is usually followed by a press conference, in which the
Media presses strictly to extract new information and create a scandal.
Also, in television interviews, the questions are harsh and revealing, as
the aim is to bring to the forefront what the authorities want to keep in
the background.
The real key is to be, not only a good speaker, but also a great listener,
as the truth is hiding behind the words.

The capstone of this semester was a 5-day long simulation which is
detailed below. We were separated in three different teams , the first
one would play the role of the company in the simulation , the second
one would be the ministry and last but not least the third team would
have the role of the media.
If you keep reading you will see day by day how the crisis began and how
each team according to its role tried to manage and benefit the most of
the situation. So , let’s begin!
The crisis scenario is the following…
Khalifa Haftar, the Commander of the Libyan National Army (LNA)
arrived in Athens on the 22th of January 2020 under extreme secrecy a
few days before the upcoming Berlin conference. Khalifa Haftar himself
was staying at the King George hotel and his task force at the IBIKON
hotel. Both of the hotels are known for their high security systems.

Tuesday 21 January 2020- The day the Crisis Stimulation began
The IBIKON Hotel
On Tuesday 21st of January 2020, we received a call from the head
security officer of our hotel, Mr. Anestis Zois, who informed us that a
member of the Libyan diplomatic mission, Mr. Mohamed Tarif, has fallen
ill with symptoms including nausea, stomach disturbances and fever. The
hotel’s crisis management team create a strategy in order to deal with
these resent events. First, we made an investigation in order to examine
the safety of the hotel’s facilities, cameras and supplies and to establish
if the incident is related to an intentional attempt by one of our
employees or hotel residents. Our company’s central administration was
provided a detailed account of the incident. Also, we tried to analyze any
potential political aspects and implications connected to this unexpected
event. After, we tried to put together a joint strategy in cooperation
with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the same time, we had
communicated with the doctor that treated the patient and informed
about his overall health so as to have an understanding of how critical

the situation could be. Also, we avoided to share any information to the
media until we had sufficient information to present. We also,
communicated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as soon as possible.
We also asked for approval on behalf of our company’s central
administration regarding the strategy to be implemented for the best
possible resolution of this issue. During our communication with the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among other things, we pointed out that the
accommodation within which the government officials was residing was
located in a separate special wing, and due to this, the incident had not
come to the attention of neither hotel residents nor the Press. We
verified that the symptoms of the Libyan diplomat was just due to a mild
case of an upset stomach. He was under constant medical surveillance
and had undergone all the essential medical exams. Taking into
consideration his overall health state there was no reason of concern.
We also asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if they wish him to be
transferred to a hospital. The reply we received from them, among
others, also mentioned that they were aware of all the measures we had
applied. However, they required a more detailed report regarding the
quality and origin of the supplied raw materials of our hotel’s restaurant,
along with the certifications our hotel had acquired. Considering the
current situation, they did not want the Libyan diplomat to be
transferred to a hospital. The final decision though would be taken right
after the conclusion of the examination’s results. In response to the
ministry’s demand, we proceeded to provide a detailed report of our
acquired certifications and the essential inspections our premises had
undergone. Additionally, we gave our full consent for any extra sanitary
inspection to be held by the responsible authorities.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
On Tuesday, as soon as we received the first data, our team gathered
and after extensive discussion of the facts, we came to the conclusion
that we have to deal with a Class III crisis. Fortunately, the crisis was on
an early stage. This had allowed us to manage our time properly, by
gathering all the necessary information in order to have a secure communication with the other teams. According to the first data, on
Tuesday the 21/1/20 we were informed that a Libyan member of the
task force had been suffering from stomach cramps and fever from the
previous night. The IBIKON HOTEL immediately performed medical
examinations on the patient. The hotel’s doctor had suspected food
poisoning but the official results of the medical examinations would be
ready in approximately 24 hours. It is worth said that the Libyan
members of the task force, dined at the hotel the night before and the
food was prepared and served by hotel’s best chefs and waiters
exclusively for the Libyan members. According to the above, the hotel
coordinator contacted the ministry coordinator in order to be informed
by the IBIKON HOTEL Communications Officer about the incident. She
assured us that the task force was accommodated according pre-set
security rules in a special wing of the hotel, isolated from the rest of the
residents in order not to be noticed or distracted by other guest or
journalists. Furthermore, she informed us about Libyan member’s
sickness which did not cause much concern, but IBIKON HOTEL would
manage to give us report about his health the following days. Lastly,
they ask us if the ministry wanted the member to be transferred to a
hospital. As soon as we received the hotel’s response, through the
Ministry’s communication manager, we thanked them for their valid
information as well as for the proper execution of the procedures
regarding the stay of the Libyan members. Afterwards, since we
mentioned that we are aware of the application of high quality
processes and raw materials, we asked for precautionary reasons for a
thorough inspection of the hotel premises. Specifically, we wanted
detailed information about the origin of the ingredients used on their
latest meal and the latest sanitary certifications. Finally, as well as the
sick member’s hospital transportation is concerned, the ministry
preferred to wait until the final results of the medical examinations.
IBIKON HOTEL’s precise response with all the certification and source
information of the raw ingredients used, as well as the consent to any
emergency inspection of the Health Service. In addition, she noted that
the Libyan member’s sickness may not be related to his stay at the hotel.
In the end, the Foreign Ministry Communications manager thanked the company manager for the excellent cooperation and immediate
response of the hotel and secured the constant communication. Later
that night the media made a number of inquiries to the Foreign Ministry
about the arrival of the Libyan National Army leader in extreme secrecy.Also, media asked the Ministry about the Libyan member’s sickness and
the possibility of poisoning. Finally, we were asked if we had contacted
the hotel manager. As the Foreign Ministry, we had decided to pursue a
strategy of neutrality to the media. Our goal was to prevent the incident
from being reported, based on this we chose not to send press release at
that moment but to wait until media contact us. At the same time we
were preparing the Ministry’s answers to the possible press questions.

The Media
All members of Media Team received an e-mail from the coordinator
detailing the first exercise data. The first thing we considered vital was
that we all had a thorough understanding of the data so that we could
move quickly and methodically. From the moment receiving the data all
team was in direct contact through social media in order to organize and
evaluate our moves.
At 7 o clock was our team’s first meeting. As representatives of media,
for completeness of the mission, half of the team had to assume the role
of electronic and print media respectively. Our goal was to compile some
questions to send to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to see how they will
react and their answers about the incident.
By night, we have sent our first e-mail to the representatives of the
Ministry asking for answers about what reason Khalifa Haftar arrived in
our country under extreme secrecy. In addition, the rest of the questions
focused on to confirm us about the sickness of the one of the officials
and if there is a possibility of poisoning as well as the state of his health.

Wednesday 22 January 2020-Day 2
The IBIKON Hotel
On Wednesday 22nd of January 2020, we were informed that another
Libyan member had symptoms of stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and
fever. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ordered us to make all the
necessary proceedings so that the case can be resolved immediately. At
the same time, due to the unstable political situation, security services
launched investigations in order to examine the possibility of terrorist
attack. Media forced the company to make a statement for the recent
events. Despite the media’s pressure, the case was classified as highly
confidential and therefore should not be leaked to the media. The crisis
management team contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, notifying
them that we had done all the necessary checks and that the situation
was under our control. We confirmed the second case and we pointed
out that we had taken all the necessary measures in order to provide the
best care for the Libyan officials. We also tried to avoid the media, if it
was possible, until we had the results of the official investigation. After
that we tried to seek a joint strategy with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
We also tried to dispel concerns about the possibility of terrorist activity.
At the same time, media insisted on contacting a representative of our
company by telephone. We accepted the request in order to find out
what information the media had but we insisted that we didn’t want the
telephone conversation to be recorded. The telephone communication
was scheduled for the next day. During our communication with the
Ministry, they asked us to write a detailed list of the actions that we had
taken in order to serve the Libyan Officials. They also notified us that
they would send the official Health Service for further investigation. We
gave them a detailed reference of the hotel’s safety certifications that
proved the safety of our facilities and the quality of the supplies.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
On Wednesday 22/1/2020, just after receiving the new data, we teamed
up in order to estimate the current situation. We came up to the
conclusion that the level of the crisis in this case was, Class II. So we tried
to exploit the available time to our advantage so that we can prepare as
best as possible. On Tuesday night, the media sent their first questions
on the subject. The media manager of the Ministry contacted them on
Wednesday morning, giving the right answers. In particular, we denied
the rumors regarding the danger of Libyan member’s life, clarifying that
we cannot give such personal information to media. Meanwhile, we
stayed in touch with the hotel in order to secure that the Libyan
members stay was smooth. Afterwards, the manager of the Foreign
Ministry contacted the manager of IBIKON HOTEL to find out further
information as there were now two sick members that occurred during
the stay of Libyan task force. Moreover, we asked for on-the-spot
checks and the results to be given within 24 hours. We made it clear to
the hotel that we wanted the case to be resolved as quickly as possible,
as our reputation as country was at stake. At the same time, we
informed IBIKON HOTEL that our security services would begin
investigations to eliminate the possibility of terrorist activity, while our
health services would collect further data. We decided with our team to
ask IBIKON Hotel to follow a common line of neutrality towards the
press. Finally, the hotel manager replied and assured us that they were
conducting thorough checks which showed no problems nor the food
neither in security systems. According to IBIKON HOTEL at 22/1 shortly
before noon, Mr. Tafir showed signs of being ill and had undergone all
necessary examinations. Furthermore, they assured us of isolating the
member from the rest task force and we were informed that they also
wanted to hold a common strategy. We demanded the necessary
actions to be taken in order to take care of both patients and to prevent
the rest of getting ill. The hotel media manager informed us in detail
about the actions that had been taken regarding the care and isolation
of the two members of the task force. The hotel assured us that they
had informed us of all the details of the two incidents throughout. As far
as the press is concerned, they told us that they didn’t want to misguide
the press in order to secure the reputation of their company.

The Media
The day began with an e-mail from the ministry answering to our
questions. We received no responses, nor confirmed the poisoning
By noon we received the second e-mail with data evolution. We
arranged to meet the whole team in order to get ready to speak with the
Ibikon Hotel’s. representatives.
At the same day, we considered important to contact both sides to see
if either side gave us more information or whether the Ministry and
Ibikon Hotel worked together. A phone call was made by us with Ibikon’s
Hotel Communication Manager. A second official got sick and we our
aim was to learn why it happened. Having been informed that they were
exclusively fed by Ibikon’s Hotel restaurant we pressed for answers if the
necessary hygiene conditions were met, the measures taken after the
second case as well as if there are fears for and worries about other
cases. To the Ministry our questions focused about the choice of Ibikon
Hotel to host Halifa Haftar and his crew.
To be more specific, Firstly, we made a phone — call with the
Communication Manager Of The “Ibikon Hotel”. They confirmed the
allegations of a second case of illness but they made clear that they
cannot proceed to any further statements. According to their sayings,
everything was currently under control and 2 health controls had been
conducted in order to prove that this has nothing to do with the hotel’s
When we, then, bluffed, saying that we contacted the Ministry and they
confirmed the food poisoning allegations, they went on to say that they
would not like to make any statements at all about the Ministry. They
also said that it wouldn’t be impossible for the two men to have been
sick prior to their arrival in Greece and symptoms were just late. When
asked about the preventive measures they had taken since the first
illness alert, they said they isolated the other men who were already
isolated from the rest of the residents. They claim that if this was their
restaurant’s fault, the health controls results would have shown

everything immediately. Therefore, they believe that this is a controllable
crisis and that every trust that is lost will be soon restored.
Secondly, we contacted with the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs. As for
them, they started pointing out that this case is confidential, so they
would not be able to give out any information, as they don’t even
confirm that these illness cases came up. Then, even argued that we had
made a contact with the “Ibikon Hotel”. When asked for the reason why
Khalifa Haftar stayed in a different hotel, they said that this is what the
protocol defines, as they cannot send all parts of the mission at the same
residence. Basically, they denied everything and did not give us any
information. So, that’s when we wondered where was that much called
«collaboration» between them?. In parallel, we published our first article
in website «» entitled:« Problem with the visit of Khalifa
Haftar(What happened in one of his officials?)»

Supplementary material

Thursday 23 January 2020-Day 3

The IBIKON Hotel

On Thursday 23rd of January 2020, the state of the two members of the Libyan task force was stable. We also had our first discussion with the journalists.Our main priority was to defend our organization and in addition to get the best medical treatment possible for the Libyan officials. We also decided to put the ailing in a different wing of the hotel in order to prevent the spread of a potential virus. We avoided sending a formal Press Release but we didn’t give false statements to the media. Media claimed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs leaked information about the recent events. We did not fully trust these claims and we tried to have a neutral prospective of the whole situation. During our discussion with the media, we get informed thatthe journalists had full awareness of the condition of the two members and they told us that this information was disclosed by the Ministry.The company didn’t deny that the Libyan officials suffer of a form of malaise, nonetheless we insisted that there was no reason for concern.We pointed out the fact that we didn’t have the results of the medical exams yet so it would be unethical for us, as a company, to jump into conclusions.We also tried to repeat, as many times as possible, that the patients were provided with the best medical treatment, in cooperation with the Ministry. As for the Ministry, they came in contact with us immediately after the phone-call from the journalists. They reassured us that there had been no leakage whatsoever from their part.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On Thursday afternoon, as we had not received any new data and the crisis was developing, media called us. During the conversation with the Foreign Ministry’s press manager, the media claimed that the hotel — with which they had previously been in contact — confirmed the rumors. We were surprised by the attitude of the company because, as Foreign Ministry, we had to make a statement, but on the other hand we were trying to save more time. Given the situation, we could not deny the statements of the company — which were true, but at the same time we had agreed to cooperate- so we claimed that the company was excluded from saying such a thing and we implied that it was media trick. As it turned out later, we did not provide any further information, by nor confirming, neither denying anything. After the phone call, we sent an e-mail to the company, requesting an apology for the statement they made to the press. However, the company’s response, claiming our timely and unclear choice, caused disruption and questions to the Ministry. As it turned out lately, it actually proved to be a deceptive tactic of the media, so at this point of the “game” there was a small rift between us, which, of course, was quickly tackled. What we considered wrong was the fact that the company came into contact with the press at noon while we, as a Ministry, came in contact in the afternoon, without being informed from the hotel about their previous communication. After this, we wrote a slightly more critical and intense email to the hotel. Specifically, we said that we did not accuse them of leaking information about the two incidents, but, that they confirmed them. We have repeatedly stated that the attitude of neutrality is not connected with false statements. For our part, we did not confirm the information regarding the two incidents but at the same time did not reject them. Fortunately, our cooperation with the company continued, although we have to admit that we were very skeptical at first.

The Media

We received answers both from the Ministry and Ibikon Hotel.

First, we set a meeting at the afternoon in order to sort the elements we have received so far, revise and highlight details that might missed. Secondly, to evaluate and compare their answers in order to organize our guideline.

We published an article at daily newspaper «The Analytics» entitled: «Second Khalifa Haftar’s official with symptoms of food poisoning. (The ministry denies it happened…)»

After a lot of discussion, we ended up with this article:

FRIDAY 24–01–2020

The IBIKON Hotel

On FRIDAY 24th of January 2020, thetwo officials were showing improvement in their health status. Official results showed that IBIKON Hotel had no involvement and responsibility in neither of the incidents. As it seemed, also from the results of the controls, all hygiene and safety regulations were met, both in terms of our hotel resources and in the safety of our facilities. The IBIKON Hotel team contacted with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to agree on the management of the crisis. At the same time, press gave its statement through an open “targeting” both to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and IBIKON Hotel. As the incident was in progress, official reactions of Press came out from posts in print and online media. Both press releases talked about a food poisoning and underline the, possible deliberate, reluctance of Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide clear answers about the incident. Alongside, they leaved clear implications both for the hotel’s credibility and responsibility on the incident. We suggested to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, again,to adopt a common state towards Press, as it was estimated that journalists tried to exploit every aspect of the incident in their favor. For its part, IBIKON Hotel underlined its readiness to contribute to the issue settlement in the best possible way, respecting the special features arising from the external “nature” of the event. In order to deal with these events, the crisis management team made a strategy. First, we informed the Ministry that the two Libyan Officers had shown improvement in their health status and highlighted the success of health controls in restaurant facilities, which showed that all food products used in the restaurant comply with all hygiene and safety rules. However, hotel’s priority and duty was to defend IBIKON Group reputation and not let any negative and adverse rumor degrade it. IBIKON published a Press Release informing that the state of two high-ranking officials was under control while their health was improving significantly. Underlined thatfrom the first moment, we had proceeded with the necessary procedures to protect the health and safety of the members of Libyan mission, even before the two incidents occur. This confirmed by the results of the controls carried out. Then we share an internal announcement for customer’s reassurance we post and announcement on Facebook.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The following day we received all the information regarding the development of the crisis cause.

All members of the team immediately contacted us. Our main goal was the study of the data and our preparation for press releases, as well the stance towards the hotel.

Based on existing data and considering the best-case scenario for us, we decided to ignore the confrontation that had proceeded with the hotel in regard to verifying the information to the press.

A short time later, we received an email from the IBIKON HOTEL contact person, based on the new facts and to the continuation of yesterday’s disagreement. Initially, he briefed us that the two Libyan officials had made some progress in their health and that there was no more reason for worry.

In addition, we were informed about the final and official results of all research that had been carried out. Specifically, the food used in the restaurant, adhered to all the hygiene rules and no pathogenic virus was found that relates to food poisoning. Cameras and all security systems were also checked aiming at discarding the possibility of terrorist action.
Finally, we were reassured that the Hotel staff has undergone medical examinations to rule out the possibility of being carriers of a virus.

Following our yesterday’s discussion, they insisted that their choice of confirming the facts to the press was correct, claiming that they have thus maintained the reputation of the hotel.

The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ communications officer responded to the hotel, the team’s decision. In more detail, in our email we stated for the last time, our dissatisfaction with their attitude towards the press, stressing that they had given up their consent to neutrality. However, we did mention our desire to fall short this confrontation and put an end to the issue.

In addition, we clarified our position as a Ministry, noting that our goal never was to extract accusations towards the hotel about the health incidents that have emerged. As a Ministry, we knew the highest quality procedures and that led us to the selection of IBIKON HOTEL. But we made it clear that it was our duty to do all the necessary actions to resolve the issue, with the ultimate aim of safeguarding the prestige of the country. We completed our response by proposing a general cooperation and common line towards the press, perceiving the media’s intention to exploit situations to their benefit.

Our conversation with the IBIKON HOTEL contact person was successful as we agreed on a common path, which serves the benefit of both parties.

Regarding our approach towards the media, on Friday afternoon we released a newsletter towards the Press. Having studied the facts and having communicated with the hotel, we were properly prepared. We initially recorded the necessary data in which our reasoning was based on.

Based on previous media questions and having in mind the discreet answers we had given without confirming the facts, we were able to set up a well-structured press release that would justify now our attitude. Specifically, we deliberately started with the basic statement dominating by our side during the previous days, that no hypothetical answers can be given to hypothetical scenarios. Based on this proposal, we have clarified, that we now have the official overall results of all the surveys conducted; we were able to confirm the fact.

We have also accused the press of misinterpreting this statement as we never rejected the fact but neither confirmed it. Thus, we’ve listed all events in chronological order focusing on the details around the procedures performed. Based on the unquestionable evidence that came through security checks on food safety systems and what it entailed, we have categorically rejected both food poisoning and terrorist scenarios. Then we supported IBICON HOTEL’s choice for the envoy’s stay, stressing that the hotel fully meets the high expectations of such an important operation and in no case bears responsibility for both outbreaks.

As a Ministry, we wanted to state publicly that we never blamed the hotel for what happened. But we were obliged to move on to the necessary research to exclude all possibilities. About our choice to send a detailed press release at this time, in addition to the strong evidence we had in hand, the answer was elsewhere.

After noting the reason of the delegation’s arrival, which was the protection of the leader of the Libyan army, Khalifa Haftar, we noted the disclosure of information about health incidents would weaken the delegation, thereby increasing the possibility of danger. Since, then, the Libyan officials had made significant progress in their health and having the results of the research, we could now speak openly about the fact.

Finally, we strongly criticized the press’s attitude, as it emphasized the possibility of food poisoning and terrorism based on unfounded scenarios. After sending the Press Release, the Media did not proceed to further questions or an answer on that specific day.

The Media

The last day of this crucial week, new information about the Case of Khalifa Haftar showed up to our offices. We have been informed that various controls had been conducted both at the IBIKON Hotel and its restaurant. The results showed that nothing harmful had been found in their cuisine. Their staff had been checked and none of them suffered any stomach disorders. Furthermore, both patients were doing better in their health. They were suffering from their diseases.

Following these data, The IBIKON Hotel and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs made an official statement, through two different Press Releases, in order to reassure the General Public that everything is under control.

To be honest, we felt offended by The Press Announcement of the Ministry, as its main responsibility was to point its finger to the Journalists, and not to inform the General Public.

So, after taking into consideration this thesis and our need for more questions, a new critical article was written at the Saturday’s “The Analytics” Front-Page.

SATURDAY 25–01–2020

The IBIKON Hotel

On Saturday 25th of January 2020, we learned that IBIKON Hotel and Ministry of Foreign Affairs had no involvement and responsibility for the two incidents. At the same time, reporters of BBC and TRT were located outside the IBIKON HOTEL and they knew that the illness of the 2 members had been proven not to be by food poisoning. They assumed that something else caused it such as terrorist attack. They were pushing us to make statements because within the hotel were also members of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The news about this incident had spread inside and outside the country so the channel SKAI with journalists from the site “The News” and the newspaper “Ta Analytika” invited us and the delegates from the Foreign Ministry to discuss the incident in the main newscast. As first step, we made strategy in order to deal with the reporters outside of the hotel. There was no possibility that this incident was a terrorist attack as we immediately made the appropriate security checks. There was no reason for fear for our future clients as our hotel took the necessary health check, the two members were separated from the others at once and our staff was examined so there were absolutely no way that a virus was spread. We also told them that we couldn’t talked about what caused the indisposition, it is personal data, but we could assured that it wasn’t food poisoning or terrorist attack. It was a random incident and it would not stain our company’s fame. We also highlighted that through all the procedure we had excellent cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and we decided to follow the same strategy. We also made strategy for the SKAI newscast. We accentuated again the main points that we brought up with the reporters located outside the hotel. We told them that the issue was resolved , the 2 ill members were recovering. There wasn’t an illness diagnosed. We also pointed out that we had provided them with the best medical help and It was not important the cause of the illness but the fact that we handled the situation perfectly. Their health and safety was out of danger. Then, we highlighted that we were and would be prepared for every incident and that our food quality was the best, as we had passed all the tests. Also, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out that they would collaborate with us again in the future, because we adhered to all the specifications excellently.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

That morning our statement was published by the newspaper ‘Ta Analytika’. They did mention our saying about the resolving problem and the fact that we were rejecting the possible scenarios of ‘terrorism or food poisoning’. However, the article implied that the ministry had adopted a defensive stance, while a likely “camouflage” of issue’s real aspect was also indicated.

Along with the publication of the article, we, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, attended a scheduled meeting with the hotel representatives.

The meeting took place in a conference room of the hotel in order to discuss about the commonly followed steps. We analyzed and examined from scratch each aspect of the crisis, we discussed about our common policy, knowing and expecting the pressure from the media on us. We were prepared for each question media would likely direct to us, as well as to intervene by providing support to our “partners” at any time it might be necessary and we were definitely ready for that.

​During our meeting, reporters who had been originally waiting outside of the hotel entered the room. They started addressing questions such as… “Which is the health situation of the two members of the delegation?’’ or ‘’why do you insist on not revealing the facts behind their case?’’. The answers given by the both of the sides (Hotel and Ministry) were neutral, as these were questions about health issues related to the protection of the personal privacy.

Next, while there was some time left to exchange some pieces of advice, we prepared ourselves in order to get in front the cameras and give each explanation or answer required. And so it happened.

Shortly afterwards, a TV interview with reportersfrom “Ta Analytika” (and not only) began to further inform the audience about the case. Initially, the presenter of the TV show started with a background summary, setting things in time.

During the interview, a retrospective reference was made to the journalists’ communication
with the representatives of both the hotel and the ministry.

After agreement with the representatives of the hotel, the attitude we had was the same as before, ultimate and based on the right arguments. The questions of the journalists were a lot and demanding and they were aiming at delve deeper into the subject and get
information that would benefit them.

A main answer given by both us and the hotel, and which we repeatedly pointed out, was the gradual recovery of the two Officials. This fact could reject by itself any scenario about an increased risk or danger. We also made it clear that the case had nothing to do with terrorism or food poisoning- like how some sources wanted it to.

To the question of journalists asking how we are so sure of these statements -our response was based on the strong and undeniable evidence of the investigations. More specifically, we did mention that our words were not aiming at hiding any information but in contrast, they were based on facts and could reasonably deny any involvement between both the Hotel and the Ministry.

The journalists expressed couple of times their dissatisfaction, claiming that there was not given a clear answer about what happened exactly; highlighting the need of the people to know the truth. Our response then, focused on the recovery of the two men turning the spotlight on the importance that information should have for the media and at the same time; for the people. Whichever further information, would refer to personal data and privacy– a thing that was obviously not allowed to happen.

In conclusion, we kept an ultimately honest attitude, staying away from assumptions and misconstructions. We cooperatively tried with the representatives of the hotel not to yield to the pressure of the journalists, while maintaining our credibility and renown, which we hope we achieved.

Coming to the end, we feel that we managed to face and successfully deal with the crisis in a sensible way as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece.We perceived this exercise as a simulation of the reality; which we may face in our very near future. It is worth saying that there was not even one point we felt that it was about an academic exercise. On the contrary, we directly adopted our roles and adapted to them.Our main conclusion is that we totally enjoyed it and that now we have the basic practical knowledge of Crisis Management.

The Media

That morning in the newspaper “Ta Analytika” we published an article as an answer to the Ministry’s Press Release and to inform more the public.

As media we had to uncover some blind spots in the statements of the hotel and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We had to find out finally what was true about the incident, what was standing in the background and what both The Ibikon Hotel and Ministry Of Public Affairs were trying to hide.

There were many questions needed to be answered. We were informed, by some colleagues with reliable reportage that the Ministry was at the IBIKON Hotel and that they were having a meeting. So, it was a perfect chance for us to show up and interview them considering they might not expect it. At First, two Journalists, One From “” and one from “Ta Analytika” Newspaper asked the Members of IBIKON Hotel and the Ministry Of Public Affairs about their collaboration and the main reason, that they felt the need of a joint meeting, just a few hours before the main Interview At the SKAI TV.

Later, we invited them to the SKAI TV and the “8 o’ clock news” show for a further and extended interview. Our goal was to question everything they had said to us, up to that point and benefit from their way of answering. The TV Host welcomed his guests. To his rightside, was a political reporter from the newspaper “Ta Analytika” and a colleague from “”. Of course, those responsible for press mattersfor both the IBIKON Hotel and the Ministry could not be missing. The debate did not take long to ignite and, at times, the presenter needed to intervene, in order to calm the spirits and reassure that, after this TV- Show, the public will be aware of the latest developments as best as possible.To sum up, the main questions asked were about: to investigate what really happened at the IBIKON Hotel in the past few days, to find out the real reason, with journalists putting pressure on their guests to learn more about the illness faced by both of its members Libyan steppe. In addition, the questions related to the selection criteria of the Greek delegation, the possibility of how thatcrisis might affect the future co-operation of the Ministry with the IBIKON Hotel, the reason that this hotel has been systematically selected in recent years, and whether there will be a formal announcement for open call for entries. Meanwhile, Because our job was to bridge the gaps that existed to form a story, two correspondents from the TV station were added to the discussion. The two reporters, one from the BBC, and one from the Turkish media, TRT, added two very serious possibilities to the debate. The first one, was whether the members of the task force were affected by the coronavirius, since it was spotted at patients in France, the day the TV Show was taken place. The second one asked if there was a reason to talk about a terroristic attack (maybe from a Greek group due to the fact that Greece would take part to upcoming Berlin conference).

After about 50 minutes of TV time, the conversation was over. The presenter thanked both his guests and the television audience, who watched the show and renewed the appointment for the following day.

For all these feelings…anxiety and curiosity, excitement and surprise, doubt and even indignation…all these and for even much more that we experienced during that process, we owe #AD&PRLAB #CrisisLab a debt of gratitude! The stimulation process was a perfect way to feel like Professionals and learn how to be successful. More specifically, we lived this experience thanks to Mrs. Betty Tsakarestou ​, Mrs. Mania Ksenou and her assistants Mrs. Irine Gerontari ans Mrs. Effie Lazaridou.


Eua Tsimpouka Erieta Basdeki Nefeli Staikoura Kelly Vlachou varvara pantazopoulou Ηρω Πασχαλιδη Mirella Sifri Vivi Kardatos Katerina Apostolaki


Raphaela Panayiotou Rebecca Bacharnikou Kallioph Fragou Dimitris Troupos Sofia Papamixali Christina Baltouna Maria Kakoliri


Lida.Charitonidis Νίκος Κοντομήτρος Maritina Filiou ANNA LAMPROU Vlasia Manteska Alkistis Joan Georgia Staikou

#CrisisManagement #CrisisSimulation #ADandPRLAB

