Crisis Lab-Presentation of a Crisis

This semester one of the courses of Ad&Pr Lab was “Crisis Management”.

So,our first assignment was to choose a crisis that Le Monde ,the French newspaper,posted on the 10th of November. We found the crisis in Marseille really interesting.

The exact crisis was that on the 5th of November, two buildings collapsed,which caused the death of 8 people.

A huge and collected crowd marched on Saturday, November 10 afternoon in Marseille, in a chilling silence, through the neighborhood of Noailles.

…When suddenly a balcony collapsed on the Garibaldi Boulevard.

This sociopolitical crisis cannot pass like that,so we tried to explain the whole background of the crisis. There are other 40.000 abandoned buildings like these and the mayor doesn’t do anything about it.People are really angry, as during the white march were shouting slogans like, “Killer Gaudin!”.Moreover, they accused him that he doesn’t care for all the poor citizens, so he took all the responsibility. We highlighted that investigations had been done and it was proven that the buildings were ready to collapse.

Regarding the Le Monde article, the writer wasn’t mentioned,the style of it was informative and objective and it was categorized as social.

We,as a team, really liked this assignment, as we got to search news that hadn’t to do about our country,so it was really interesting to see how other newspapers inform their readers.

The assignment was in collaboration with: Dimitra Karali, Ευγενία Μιχαηλίδη, Anastasia Pantelaki, Evaggelia Paraskevopoulou, Mariza Rizou, Dimitra Christodoulaki

Our professors: Betty Tsakarestou, M.Xenou


