Saying goodbye to our Academic course, Welcoming “Crisis Management”.

Within the framework of the Advertising and Public Relations Laboratory course VII — “Crisis management”, teaching Ms. Betty Tsakarestou and Ms. Mania Xenou, after a semester full of gaining knowledge through case studies, in order to understand questions such as “What is Crisis?”, “How does it scale?” “What factors affect the outcome of a Crisis?” and “How should Companies and Organizations communicate and manage a Crisis?”, the time has come to face a Crisis.

Aim of the simulation was the training in managing and dealing with possible crises, assuming three different roles.

But let’s see how it all started!

After the intense diplomatic efforts made by many countries of the world and the UN to reach a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, Athens offered to host diplomatic missions of the US, the European Union, Israel and the Palestinian Authority in order to prepare and the preliminary discussions that will set the framework within which the negotiations will take place.

The members of the delegations are accommodated at the Astra hotel, which belongs to the international hotel chain ABC-GROUP, the second largest hotel chain in the world.

But then there was an unexpected event that we were called to deal with and it was two cases of stomach disorders among the members of the American delegation at the hotel where they were staying.

The roles were three (Hotel chain ABC-GROUP, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Media). As can be seen, each role had to react immediately, respond to its role and, if necessary, present solutions in order to limit and ultimately eliminate the crisis.

Company’s Experience!

Actions Taken by ABC-GROUP: A Case Study

As a prominent hotel chain, ABC-GROUP has always upheld the highest standards in hospitality and customer service. This commitment was exemplified through our management of a critical situation at the Astra Hotel in Athens, which is part of the ABC-GROUP. Below is a detailed account of the actions taken by our company in handling a potential food safety incident involving a high-profile diplomatic delegation.

Background and Initial Incident

On June 11, 2024, we received a report from our head of security, Mr. Kostas Dervenis, about an illness affecting Mr. Chris Danley, a member of the U.S. delegation staying at our hotel. Mr. Danley exhibited symptoms of nausea, stomach disturbances, and fever. Given the critical nature of our guests, immediate action was necessary to ascertain the cause of his illness and ensure the safety and well-being of all parties involved​​.

Immediate Response

Upon receiving the report, we launched an internal investigation to determine if the illness was related to food consumption at our in-house restaurant, ASTI-RESTAURANT. Our first steps included:

Isolation and Medical Attention: Ensuring that Mr. Danley received the best possible medical attention. Our hotel doctor initially diagnosed a probable food poisoning case and conducted further tests, with results expected the following day.

Assessment of Food Safety Protocols: Reviewing the food preparation and handling processes. ASTI-RESTAURANT operates under strict food safety standards, certified by ISO HACCP, which govern our hygiene and food quality practices​​.

Staff Interviews and Reviews: Conducting interviews with the six waitstaff who served the delegation to understand their procedures and any deviations from standard practices.

Documentation and Record Review: Gathering all food purchase records, preparation logs, and temperature control charts to ensure no lapses in our stringent food safety protocols occurred​​.

Communication Strategy

Understanding the sensitivity of the situation, especially given the involvement of high-profile international guests, we formulated a communication strategy to handle potential media inquiries and internal communications:

Internal Briefing: Informing all relevant departments and staff about the situation, ensuring that everyone was aligned and aware of the protocols and the company’s stance.

Media Handling: Preparing statements that emphasized our high standards of food safety and the ongoing investigation. We instructed our media representatives to seek details from reporters to gauge their knowledge and to maintain a stance of transparency without disclosing unverified information​​.

Ensuring Continuous Safety

As part of our commitment to guest safety and quality service, we undertook the following measures:

Increased Monitoring: Implementing heightened surveillance of food handling processes and health checks for all kitchen staff.

Engaging External Auditors: Inviting third-party food safety auditors to review our practices and provide an independent assessment, thereby ensuring impartiality and trust.

Reaffirming Quality Control: Highlighting our ongoing dedication to quality and safety through internal communications and ensuring all staff were reminded of the importance of adhering to established protocols​​.

Outcome and Reflection

The results of the medical tests ultimately confirmed that Mr. Danley’s illness was unrelated to the food served at ASTI-RESTAURANT, attributing it instead to a pre-existing condition exacerbated by travel stress. This outcome validated our rigorous food safety measures and reassured both the delegations and the public of our commitment to excellence.

Through this experience, ABC-GROUP demonstrated its capability to handle crises efficiently while maintaining the highest standards of service and safety. This incident reinforced our reputation as a leading hospitality provider, trusted by clients and partners worldwide​​.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Experience!

Our team, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, had to manage the situation immediately and effectively. We undertook various actions to protect the prestige of our country and also our healthy diplomatic relations with the rest of the countries involved.

More specifically, the part of reliable information and communication, the coordination of the company and the mass media, the rational management of information and diplomatic contacts and cooperation with other services are some of our actions as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Day by day, however, new data were constantly emerging, which made the situation more and more critical. As the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we conducted extensive research into the potential crises that could arise, discussed various strategies and scenarios, and set specific goals for our team.

A few words about the development of events per day:

June 11, 2024: First case of sickness and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had to make sure everything was under control as well as an early Warning.

June 12, 2024: Record of second case of unwellness of a member of the US delegation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had to communicate with the Company again. We had to make sure that there’s no missing part of the situation and that both the Hotel and its Restaurant was under control. We started feeling pressure from different kinds of Media, so we had to do an Announcement for the Public (Press Release).

June 13–14, 2024: Conduct restaurant and staff checks (Asti-Restaurant) and interact with the media on the rumor of a terrorist attack. We made another Press Release with the last data for the Proper information for citizens.

June 15, 2024: State Department update on the recovery of the two members of the US delegation and the resumption of negotiations, the restoration of the reputation of the ABC-Group hotel and the denial of terrorist disinformation.

One of the biggest challenges we faced was the need to make quick decisions with limited information. The cooperation with ABC-Group and the negotiations with the mass media proved to be extremely complex, but in the end it paid off, as the outcome of the crisis was positive for all sides.

Through this experience, we realized the vital importance of immediate and decisive reaction in crisis situations, as well as the value of effective communication and cooperation. Our participation in the crisis management simulation provided us with a valuable opportunity to put theory into practice, developing new skills and deepening our understanding of crisis response mechanisms.

In summary, our experience has been extremely educational. The learning opportunities we have gained from our crisis simulation experience are many, the most important being the following:

- Analysis and decision making under pressure

- Strengthening cooperation and communication

- Practical application of theoretical knowledge

- Development of leadership skills

- Critical thinking and problem solving

- Risk management

- Improve durability

Crisis simulations were a valuable tool in our academic education, as they offered us rich opportunities to develop both theoretical and practical skills.

Crisis Management Experience: The Simulation and Lessons Learned


Our participation in the crisis management simulation, as part of the Advertising and Public Relations lab course was a more than unique opportunity to test our skills in dealing with real emergency situations. As the “B2” team, we had the role as the Crisis Management Unit of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dealing with a scenario involving diplomatic missions and health incidents. In this article, we will analyze the challenges we faced, the strategies we followed, and the valuable lessons we learned from this experience.

Preparation and First Actions

The crisis began when we received the first notification of a member of the US delegation not feeling healthy. Our first action was to immediately inform senior management and convene the Crisis Management Team (CMT). The quick mobilization of our team was crucial, as we had to ensure that all parties involved were aware and coordinated.

* First Challenge:

- Organization and Coordination

One of the first challenges we faced was organizing and coordinating the team. As this was a simulation, it was essential to quickly understand our different tasks and roles. A clear division of responsibilities and effective communication were critical elements for the smooth functioning of the team. Each member had to assume specific responsibilities and stay in constant contact with the rest of the team. The use of modern communication tools such as video conferencing platforms has greatly helped the speed and accuracy of communication.

- Addressing the Health Crisis

As the days progressed, the situation worsened with the appearance of new cases of malaise. We proceeded with detailed medical examinations to determine the cause of the incidents, while securing negative results for COVID-19 and providing additional sanitary measures.

* Second Challenge:

- Managing Uncertainty

Addressing the health crisis has presented significant challenges, mainly due to the uncertainty surrounding the cause of the incidents. The lack of a clear diagnosis created insecurity and stress, both for our team and for the dealerships. We had to keep our cool and focus on collecting and analyzing data to make informed decisions. We worked closely with health experts and consulted with international health organizations to ensure our actions were in line with best practice and the latest scientific evidence.

- Management of the Mass Media

Media coverage was a major challenge. We received an email from the newspaper “TA NEA”, which highlighted the need for direct and accurate communication with the public. Before making any announcements, we contacted ABC-GROUP Management to obtain the necessary information.

* Third Challenge:

- Public Relations and Transparency

Information management to the media and the public was critical to maintaining trust. We focused on the transparency and accuracy of the information we provided, avoiding spreading panic. Our communication strategy included constantly informing the public, based on available data and expert recommendations. We created clear and understandable announcements, using plain language to ensure our message was understood by everyone. In addition, we leveraged social networks to reach a wider audience and provide constant updates.

- Developments and Final Actions

The crisis escalated with the appearance of new incidents, classifying it at “Incident” level. We have continuously assessed the situation and implemented additional health monitoring measures. Our coordinated action and cooperation with the parties involved were decisive for the successful handling of the crisis.

* Fourth Challenge:

- Multilateral Cooperation

Cooperation with various agencies, such as diplomatic missions and health authorities, required excellent management and coordination. Each side had its own priorities and concerns, which necessitated keeping open lines of communication and being flexible in our approaches. Ensuring trust between the parties involved was essential to achieving common goals. Also, the creation of a common action plan that takes into account the needs and goals of all parties contributed to the overall success of crisis management.

Conclusions and Lessons

Our experience into this Crisis Management simulation provided us with valuable lessons. The need for immediate reaction, coordinated communication and constant monitoring of the situation were key elements for effective management. In addition, managing the media and ensuring transparency and accuracy in informing the public were for sure our main points for the success of our mission.

* Lesson 1: The Importance of Communication

One of our main findings was the importance of clear and effective communication. Maintaining the trust of stakeholders and the public depends on our ability to provide accurate and real-time information. The use of modern communication tools and ensuring transparency in all procedures contributed significantly to the successful management of the crisis.

* Lesson 2: Resilience and Flexibility

The ability to adapt quickly to new information and situations proved vital. The flexibility in our strategies and the resilience of our team have helped us face successful our few challenges. The continuous assessment of the situation and the adaptation of our actions based on the new data were decisive for the successful management of the crisis. In addition, the development of alternative plans and the ability to respond quickly to unforeseen situations enhanced our effectiveness.

* Lesson 3: The Power of Partnership

Working with various agencies and organizations has strengthened our understanding of the importance of collaborative efforts in crisis situations. Joint effort and coordinated action were decisive for the successful management of the crisis. We have recognized that our success depends on our ability to work harmoniously with others and take advantage of collective knowledge and experience.


Our participation in this simulation enhanced our skills and confidence in crisis management, providing us with experiences and knowledge that will be valuable in our future careers. Through this process, we gained a deeper understanding of the importance of preparation, communication and collaboration, elements that will accompany us throughout our professional career. This experience also gave us the opportunity to develop our leadership and improve our ability to manage pressure and stress in critical situations.

In addition, the simulation provided us with valuable tools and methods that we can apply in real-world situations. From preparation and coordination, to managing communication and collaboration, the skills we acquired will be crucial to our professional development.

Overall, this experience was an invaluable opportunity to test our knowledge and skills in a safe yet challenging environment. We faced challenges that made us think critically, work as a team and find creative solutions to complex problems. The lessons learned will guide us throughout our professional lives, making us better prepared to face the challenges of the future.

Media’s Experience!


As a team we were assigned the role of the media on the topic “Diplomatic talks on the cease-fire in Gaza” with a venue in a hotel in Athens belonging to the ABC-Group. The specific role must highlight the way the mass media receive information, evaluate it, cross-reference it in order to present it to the public and in general how they manage crisis issues that are of interest to the general public. The media group was divided into two subcategories: the category of the printed press and in particular the newspaper Ta Nea, which was taken over by the MarkArt team, and the TV newscast group of Ant1 which was taken over by the Insight Agency team. As part of the crisis simulation, we were constantly updated on every new data, holding online and telephone meetings in order to thoroughly analyze the information we received in order to arrive at the most effective course of action. Our aim was to present the true events with objectivity, but also to attract the interest of as large an audience as possible. For this reason, as will be discussed in detail below, we focused on vagueness, on details that might have been hidden and kept the attitude of creating new questions and doubts in the public.

Main subject:


It is known that crisis management is a process that needs subtlety and methodical movements. For this very reason, the media team is an important link in crisis management, as it is also the mediator between the public and those involved. Our team, MarkArt, which had taken over the media and in particular the printed press through the newspaper Ta Nea, was inclined to face a special case as we were talking about international negotiations and the health of the representatives. More specifically, in this article we will present the procedures for dealing with a crisis as well as the practices followed by the media with the corresponding data, which arise during the negotiations for the ceasefire in Gaza. Initially as a team we intended to collaborate and analyze our data, through online meetings. This way, we could all participate and create a team, which can be on stand by. In fact, we were always in touch even if we weren’t all in the same physical space. This allowed us to keep all members flexible and active, while at the same time being constantly alert to analyze new data. During the meeting we processed the data that we had first received from the relevant agencies and then our final goal, after we completely understood what was requested was to distinguish what “is hidden behind the data”, so that we can create questions that will give us help us reach the truth.

At the same time, the questions we created as a media group, had as their main focus the need for substantial and quality answers, transparency, the confirmation or debunking of the data we had received, as well as the understanding of the hygiene measures they had taken both in the hotel and and in focus. Obviously, all questions were structured according to the ethical code of journalism, without offensive or disapproving character. We collected the data provided by the company ABC Groups and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece and held a discussion with the members of the group. We thoroughly read each answer and then created a summary with the most important elements in order to write an article for the newspaper “Ta Nea”, as we had chosen. The data was not sent all at once but on three different days within a week. With each new data on each new day the process we followed was the same. Submitted responses were checked in detail. The same procedure was followed for each new data that emerged, i.e. online calls. The responses and new data were analyzed to ascertain whether additional clarifications needed to be made or new aspects needed to be expanded upon. Of utmost importance was constant communication with our sources of information in order to confirm that our information was correct and up-to-date. We were in constant communication with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ABC Groups and asked for clarifications and additional information where we deemed necessary. Citizens were informed carefully and correctly. As a team we collected the data and responses we received, edited them to ensure they were clear and informative. The articles of the newspaper were released based on when each data was taken part, so that it is understandable to the reader every action that was taken at every moment of the crisis. With reference to the above, it was understood that important parameters for effectively dealing with a crisis are the correct management of data, transparency and continuous communication with the authorities. The specific parameters gave the green light to transmit accurate and reliable data to the citizens, participating in the information and perception of the situation by the citizens.

Insight Agency:

On the other hand, the team, Insight Agency and more specifically as representatives of the central news bulletin of ANT1 and taking into account the seriousness of the issue that arose as well as the responsibility we had for the correct and immediate information of the public, we made sure to get in touch with the relevant bodies as soon as we became aware of the problem so that we can get answers quickly. We were in constant communication with them every day on any new issue that arose, with the priority of permanently informing the public and avoiding the circulation of false news.

It is worth emphasizing that as a team, the fact that we had to be constantly updated and with every new data we had to hold an online and telephone meeting in order to thoroughly analyze the information we received and come to the most effective course of action, was a great challenge which we successfully dealt with.

More specifically and describing our actions more precisely, in the central news bulletin, we followed a methodical and thorough approach to crisis management. The minute a new piece of data appeared, we would communicate with each other and analyze the responses and new pieces of information and data with utmost care and research into every aspect. Our goal was to determine whether additional clarifications were required or whether new aspects of the matter needed to be considered. Our team of Journalists made live connections, while the research department analyzed the original and new data. We communicated daily with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ABC Groups, cross-checking the information we had collected, requesting and eliciting additional information and clarifications, even more informative and targeted whenever necessary. Through this cooperation, the accuracy and reliability of the data given to us as well as the conclusions were ensured, acting within very narrow time frames. Consequently, uninterrupted and open communication with our sources was crucial to the news outcome with transparency, efficiency and credibility. We also reviewed what had been covered on a daily basis to identify any gaps or areas that needed more emphasis. In this way we managed to ensure a holistic coverage of the crisis. In this way, the public was accurately informed and we ensured that the data reaching our ears was accurate, timely, enlightening and interesting. Finally, as a news team, we understood that the most important factors for the effective management of a crisis are the correct management of information, transparency and constant communication with the relevant agencies. These principles and actions have allowed us to transmit accurate and reliable data to the public and learn how to approach and manage a crisis from every aspect, taking into account all the twists and turns and unfortunate events that crisis management teams face.

Final day of crisis stimulation

On the last day, the teams were asked to face a simulation, i.e. a situation corresponding to real crisis management. We, as media, prepared questions both for the hotel unit and for the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We were on a “fantasy” panel and we were divided into two correspondents, one was in Brussels and the other was in Washington and they were broadcasting the events and the climate prevailing outside the country. At the same time on the panel, there was a presenter who moderated the discussion, two journalists who asked the questions and four representatives, two from ABC GROUPS and two from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece. In the practical part: before the interview process all the members of the group created questions for the representatives in order to completely solve the crisis that had arisen with the American representatives during the negotiations for the ceasefire in Gaza.

Thank you Ad&PrLab, ms. Betty Tsakarestou & ms. Mania Xenou for this amazing experience! Betty Tsakarestou & Mania Xenou

The Teams :


Dimitrouli Eleni 41200077

Kamma Vasiliki 41200104

Lantzouraki Christina 41200130

Plessas Ioannis 41200012

Christaki Maria 41200108

Christoglou Grigorios 41200092

Tyrodimos Konstantinos 41200128


Kolompourou Alexandra 41200102

Matsota Maria Eleni 41200085

Papakosta Antigoni 41200168

Sioutou Ioanna 41200137


Babouri Ioanna -Eirini 41200120

Papalani Maria 41200051

Chalkias Nikolaos 41200041


Karpodini Ioanna 41200075

Loukis Konstantinos 41200134

Xenou Stamatina 41200181

Oikonomou Eirini — Ioanna 41200107

Papadias Alexandros 41200117

Polo Chrysanthi 41200071

Hoxha Armalda 41200149

Mark Art

Kouloubini Maria 41200053

Kyprioti Evangelia 41200005

Salta Katerina — Konstantina 41200179

Tsotsi Laoureta 41200004

Ververaki Anna Maria 41200121

Insight Agency

Aivalioti Dimitra 41190069

Katsarou Georgia 41190103

Liapi Stavroula 41200039

Marnoutzidi Anastasia 41200040

Tsatsouli Anastasia 41200037

Besidovska Viktoriia 41200169

Zalomova Iulia 41200170

