Crisis Unfolds: Israeli Officials Fall — Amidst Controversy: Communication between Media, Ministry of Defence, and KASTIN Group Hotel

Crisis Management Case Study

Upon the completion of the #CrisisManagement module, we participated in a week — long simulative #CrisisManagement case study. The #Ad&PR lab was divided into subversive teams, each of them taking up either the role of the Enterprise, the curating Ministry of Defense or the Media. In this context, we are going to analyse this hypothetical crisis, from the point of view of the Ministry Organization.

Political circumstances/background of crisis/ Who-Where-What-How-Why?

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) development applied in the military

2. Meeting of Israeli representatives with the Greek Ministry of Defence

3. An Israeli delegation arrives in Athens on May 29, 2023

4. Hotel cooperation with the Ministry of Defence for the delegation to stay in a separate wing for peace and isolation

5. This specific tier is served exclusively by KASTIN RESTAURANT

6. KASTIN HOTEL à Strict security measures, state-of-the-art metal detectors, advanced camera and internal control system


8. KASTIN RESTAURANT à high quality materials and supplies of raw materials from reliable and valid producers and suppliers + ISO, HACCP quality certificates + awards from international organizations


As part of the team that represented KASTIN HOTEL (B1), we were responsible for dealing with the crisis from the inside. We were accounted by the Greek government (Ministry of Defence) with hosting the Israel chosen tier that visited our country in order to converse about the evolution of the great force that is artificial intelligence, for the purpose of creating a military robotics base and developing autonomy in the field. As agreed, our hosts would be provided with meals and accommodations only from our hotel’s products and services (KASTIN RESTAURANT) because we have distinguished control systems and well awarded quality products, whilst having a recognised reputation as a hotel.

On the first night of hosting the Israel group, we got a phone call from our security manager (Anestis Zois), informing us that one of our Israel guests (Mosse Kohen) has been feeling ill with symptoms of nausea, stomach pains and fever since the night before. The hotel’s medical team thinks that he is suffering from food poisoning and he is being further examined, with the possibility of COVID — 19 being counted out. Our job was to investigate everything from our kitchen to our security systems and try to figure out what could have gone wrong (if anything was wrong from our side). After we contacted the Ministry of Defence, clarified our silence towards the media, our security and control systems surety and we moved onto our investigation progress, keeping in touch with the Ministry during our every move.

We gathered the entirety of our stuff in order to ensure that everything went according to the hospitality schedule. We also gathered the data of the food orders that ended up on the Israel group’s tables, in order to go through a detailed quality check on our products in collaboration with our FNB manager, going through our traceability documents and checking our raw material’s LOT. We were prepared for 3 possible scenarios: A) Tracing a raw material that was not suitable for consuming, B) Our materials were all suitable, but the cooking process was not followed correctly, C) There wasn’t a correct check done from the supply department when they delivered our materials. If none of these scenarios came through, that would mean our hotel had nothing to do with the cause of the unfortunate situation.

After the media reached out to us, we informed them about our investigation process, we let them know we were in constant contact with the Ministry of Defence and that we had everything under control. The next day we were informed that there was another incident of possible food poisoning, with similar symptoms. We kept contact with the Ministry, and we decided to try and keep as much as we could from the media, because every check we conducted seemed to prove we weren’t at fault and the media were pushing to prove otherwise. The media knew about both incidents but not detailed. We did not want to give them too much information but we also did not want to let them push fake scenarios publicly because the relationship of our countries would be at stake.

They did a great job at pushing us to get more information and we tried to keep a low but honest profile since we understood that they were trying to do their job at informing the public. We explained our checks, protocols and our step-by- step process, proving that we did everything by the book. After all of the above mentioned, they started asking for face — to face interviews with both us and the Ministry, since we both appeared to keep the same profiles, so they could promote our collaboration and extract the truth. We prepared a simulation of possible questions so we could be ready to face any potential routes the conversation could follow.

Before the actual interview we reached the confirmation that the incidents had nothing to do with our materials, our stuff’s handling and our hospitality, and therefore went to the interview confident about our Hotel and our integrity. Our goal was to firstly restore any part of our reputation that could potentially be threatened by this situation, to highlight how calmly and discreetly we handled everything and how well we worked with the Ministry and the Israeli government and we hope to work together again in the future (under better circumstances). After the interview we were happy with the outcome, since we established the name and fame of KASTIN GROUP and we are happy to say we are able to handle any further crisis that may come our way in the future.

· B2 — MINISTRY: Quadro + Crossovers

From the Greek Ministry of Defence point of view, it was also a very interesting experience. Greece and Israel have been very amicable for years and have manifested their mutual support throughout recent history. However, Israel’s relationship with strong forces, such as Turkey, and also the very significant topic of interest at the convention, required a very attentive and strict approach, regarding their arrival and stay. It was highly crucial for us to be proactive and to make sure that everything — from the hotel’s raw alimentary sources to their towels- held up to very high standards.

On day 1, at 14:18 we received the notification that the Israeli visitor was sick, not by Covid as he was immediately tested. At 15:00 pm we arranged an internal urgent meeting to become completely aligned and form our strategy. We realised that the news could spread like wildfire and get out of proportion, thus we started crafting a press release that we would share with the media, in order to prevent them from sneaking for exclusive information elsewhere. Before we were able to do so, we received an email from the SKAI 100.3 radio program, which asked for further information and pitched the idea for an off-the- record interview. Naturally, we declined and offered a calming response, while contacting the hotel to check all the procedures that took place prior and during the representatives’ arrival. The very same day, the Hotel assured us that all measures were strictly enforced.

The situation was categorised as a third-degree crisis.

On day 2, without any further news, we received intense pressure from the same radio station to offer more statements. We sent a second press release that was equally reassuring and explained the thorough depths into which we dived to make sure our visitors would have a safe and pleasant stay. We mentioned that one of the representatives was feeling unwell and that we catered to their every need and ran all the required tests. All in all, based on our strategy, we were very careful with our wording and tone towards the media, as we are aware that they would try to make news out of any piece of information.

On day 3, we were informed that a second representative showcased the same symptoms, so we requested an extensive trail of actions that regard the hotel’s security measures and procedures. Immediately, we were dealing with a second-degree crisis, and became even more alert. The hotel assures us that they spotted no error on their part, and also shared their data from the software they use to trace their procurement, installation, surveillance e.t.c. At the same time, SKAI, the chief editor of the newspaper “Kathimerini” and of the digital BBC news unit, tried to reach out again for further information. They all received official answers within a few hours (maximum 24 hours), all in the same tone that is priorly mentioned.

On final day 4, during the peak of the medias’ attempts to extort information and to imply that what occurred is a terrorist attack, a neglect from our part or a cause for riot in Israel, we remained calm and shared information about how well — prepared the hotel has been, how non critical the situation is and that we are completely in sync with the hotel. We kept receiving emails and attempts for communication until late at night. As part of the exercise, two representatives from the Ministry were sent to openly discuss the situation with the media live.

We all calmly explained that the representatives’ state is non critical and also irrelevant to the hotel’s services or any alarming illness. The media questioned several times if there is any underlying issue, to which we emphatically stated that there is nothing to worry about!

Throughout or televised talk, we did not utilise any alarming terms such as gastrointestinal disease” or stated anything specific that could be used as “yellow press”, instead we tried to offer an adequate amount of information — in order to highlight our and the hotel’s transparency- but chose to not be emphatic in matters that could cause unnecessary confusion or panic. It was really important to be in sync with the hotel and to enforce the same strategy, in order to avoid information leaking and spreading panic. Also, it is important to understand that the media are just trying to do their job, regardless of how invasive or pressuring they can be. This meant that we had to respond to them as fast as possible and seem open to talk and to share information, but not to overshare or to give in to attempts, such as off the record interviews, which could easily backfire!

· Our experience: B3 — MEDIA: GRenADe + Big Brand Theory

As part of the team that represented the media (B3), we were responsible for uncovering the crisis from the inside out. On one hand, it was quite stressful, because each media platform had to be the first to reach out and write something before the Ministry or before KASTIN Group made any official statements. On the other hand, it was an overall very exciting experience, as it was very intriguing to search deep for the truth and pose difficult questions so as to uncover the case. We represented a variety of media, from newspapers to radio and TV, but also, we represented a rich range of media: from well-respected, reliable media of serious character, such as Kathimerini, to more gossip-focused media like “Espresso”.

Upon discovering the incident the media immediately communicated through emails and personal messages to the Ministry of Defense, with the managers of KASTIN Group and of the hotel, as well as with the Quality assurance department of KASTIN Hotel. The first response that we received was from the KASTIN Group to verify the rumours, but it indicated complete ignorance of the situation.

Examples of communication towards the officials from the media

Follow-up emails continued, but the answers from both the Ministry and the company were very slow and generic, especially towards the emails that were sent during 30/05.For example, the Ministry did not answer to Kathimerini for the newspaper’s initial questions regarding the suspicions, the Ministry did not make even one comment/statement about the incident until 1/06, a delay that could be very harmful to both the Greek Ministry and the hotel. “Espresso” even “threatened” KASTIN Hotel with an already-made “juicy” headline for the magazine that would cause controversy, but KASTIN did not answer until the second day with a press release. Seeking further clarification, a request was made for an interview or discussion with representatives from the Ministry of Defence to gather more information and any relevant details they can provide.

The questions for the most part were not directly answered by any party, and the media was receiving quite generic, “copy-paste” answers and press releases. Based on the crisis management theory, however, the press releases were a really smart move from the officials’ side, because the media are obligated to publicise the press release as is, without any changes or additions from their side. The media, though, were still left with many question marks.

We were then informed that the events were escalating suspiciously, as a second Israeli officer displayed symptoms of illness. The company commented that they needed to ensure the individuals’ health and that comprehensive examinations were conducted and they assured that the situation has been fully assessed with necessary measures implemented. Their answer didn’t mention any correlation between the two events, neither did it address how this could happen twice in a row, especially when the Officials were not to leave the property of the hotel. To this the Ministry added that there is no evidence of insidious activity. Once again, the answers were very diplomatic and no fruitful discussion was being made between the officials and the media, it was rather the media in one side posing many questions and being left with many unanswered ones, and the officials on the other playing it very safe.

By Day 3, additional information emerged regarding the incident. Rigorous inspections were carried out by both the internal systems of KASTIN GROUP, as well as the relevant government agencies. These inspections covered all the food items, and no pathogenic organisms were found, indicating that the food itself was not the source of the illness. Furthermore, all the personnel working at the restaurant underwent thorough testing. The situation took a more intriguing turn with the emergence of rumours suggesting an attempted act of terrorism against the Israeli delegation, fuelling new speculations, with tensions between Israel and Palestine at an all-time high. As a result, numerous questions were raised, demanding immediate answers from both the company and the Ministry.

In response, on one hand KASTIN provided an email containing only the official medical results of the officials involved, denying the possibility of a real threat or terrorist act. In contrast to the Ministry, the company states that the results of the test will be released soon. This is a clear miscommunication, as the company stated that it received the analysis of the raw materials from the state chemistry without finding any pathogenic substance, while the ministry stated that the results from the state chemistry regarding the raw materials are still awaited.

Also, it is note-worthy, that some of the mediums, like Kathimerini and Skai, wrote articles addressing the case so far, before the live debate, so as to narrate the case to their audience.

Part of the article from Kathimerini
Part of the newscast reportage from Skai

By the final day of the crisis management simulation, the Ministry of Defence and KASTIN HOTEL agreed to a live interview and were willing to speak openly to the concerned public and address any questions that have arisen. Brief questions were asked by the media outside the hotel to members of the Ministry of Defence and KASTIN HOTEL before the start of the news briefing. Then, a main news bulletin followed, during which there was a live broadcast directly from Israel. Key questions raised included the health condition of the Israeli members, the conflicting information about the analysis of the substances and the lack of background checks on hotel staff.

In summary, based also on theory, for the media it was a crisis that escalated quickly and that was very serious from the very begining, a Class I crisis, in contrast to the officials that dealed with the situation more gradually (first as a class III, then as a Class II and then it became a class I crisis). For the media the case was immediately faced as an emergency situation that required immediate communication. Generally, each side, other than some missteps, handled the situation very professionally and the responses from both the KASTIN Group and the Ministry regarding the incident vary in terms of quality. The company and Ministry were very smart and made very positive moves regarding the FUNCTIONS (i.e., the immediate measures they took towards every aspect, the protocol they followed religiously, their organisation and step-by-step care from the inside of the matter). However, they could have better COMMUNICATION, they should inform the media quicker and in more detail about what they do. They faced the media like a threat, an enemy, rather that an indicative stakeholder. However, the press releases and other official papers provided, like the official medical report, were a smart move. Also, overall, the Ministry’s responses were very careful and the phrases, words and explanations given were very intelligently placed and used, and KASTIN HOTEL provided many information regarding the protocol and regulations of the company.

General Conclusions

Every team handled their part as best as they could, by following the direct information we had been instructed to. The team that handled the media did a great job at being persistent on gathering the true data, the team of the hotel managed to remain calm and punctual, and the team, representing the Ministry of Defence held their ground as an official and trustworthy branch. We understood the importance of team work, quick thinking and the value a well-established idea and presentation. This engaging exercise was really helpful for us, as we managed to understand that in crisis situations, we ought to remain calm, but be immediate and organised. In total, we are truly grateful for the experience, and the whole semester that led to it, as it gifted us with knowledge and experience on a field useful to us both professionally but also regarding our personal lives!

A heartfelt thank you to the activity’s organisers, Betty Tsakarestou and Mania Xenou

The members: Thanos Loukos Nicktheodorou Anna Bertsou αναστασία σπν. George Logothetis Nefeli Danopoulou Costantinos Raptis Charalampos Ntzianos Chrysanthi Karytinou Maria Ariadne Thymara Athanasia-Evangelia Tsampoula ellie konteou Annamuruzidi Tzelabessini imeleas Nastya Kulenchik Aglaia Matsouki Elisa Tsirimokou Glykeria Lappa stella kartsona Manu Makrydakis

