DiaNEOsis research about what Greeks believe

DiaNEOsis’research about what the Greeks believe started from 2016 until now. It is about finding out several ethical issues in the greek society and also check the effects of the conjuncture on the greek political culture. From this research we find out the comparison between the years and which ethical choices are stayed put and which of them are open to a change. Having some difficult times for the greek society through the years of the research , we can observe many opinions through these last tough years.

The people who where asked on the research ,usually found a difficulty on responding to some questions because of the language , the meaning of the question and also the quality of the answer they may say.

For example , many people are negative on the immigrates to Greece because of the illegal immigration and because of their introduction without liabilities to the country. The result from this issue is that many Greeks believe that the immigrants have not a place in our country because of the low liabilities and some others still believe that their chlidren who are born in the country must take the Greek citizenship. Some questions make the analyst and also the reader counter some opinions about very special issues of the society.

The environment of this year’s research

This year’s research do not only provide information about the thoughts about this winter but also share the people’s opinions about some major political subjects and issues. The fact that in the last couple of years many difficulties and crises happened , helped the research to show the exact feeling and thought of the Greek person in these times. This fact is standing out the DiaNEOsis research from others. We also observe the change on the feelings of the Greeks through the biggest crises of the 21st century and how these feelings are playing a major role on their way of working and living. Many ideas will be questioned, such as other aspects of the social contract such as the employer state, the concept of national identity, the universality of religious belief and participation.

A new society on a threatening new world

Through the research it is known that a new liberal and European friendly society is evolving and it is focusing on major threats of the recent times. A society that wants the modernization of the political scene and opts better models of the social politcs.

A. The threatening world

Negative emotions like anger, disappointment etc lead to the conclusion that mainly from women and children lead us to the conclusion that ongoing crises such as Covind, the financial crisis, etc. have increased people’s pessimism about the present and the future.About the climate crisis and the demographic and other such issues the results of the research lead to the conclusion that citizens are more aware now ,show interest about the problems that concern us at present and will concern us in the future and are more realistic.

B.Rational tools of protection and search for state care

Scientists have seemingly succeeded in convincing citizens .There is trust in science and at the same time this has led to a crisis of religious belief this is because citizens think more rationally, scientifically and they tend to question everything. The will of the citizens to get involved in Europe in many areas and the trust in it clearly shows us that there is distrust for the Greek governments and their manipulations. The Greek friendly attitude and communication strategy of Macron has won over the Greeks. A positive attitude towards the euro and the european union leads to the conclusion that citizens think that crises and manipulations concern us all and feel insecure if they cut themselves off from the rest of europe. They want to be part of something broader they want to feel as a part of a group.It seems a liberalization of citizens and the will of the young people to find a job in Greece at the same time seems to be their concern because so far there are not enough.

C. Secularization and individualism, within a national context

The research initially indicates the detachment of the Greek people from ideological predispositions and stereotypes, a fact that is also perceived by the scale of sympathy for other countries (Americans on the top) and the acceptance of the gender-based violence as an element of the Greek reality. Moreover all this liberalization of the social body has a great impact even on religion as it has helped the more comfortable manifestation of a large portion of atheists, thus favoring the development of a new habitat that favors the autonomy of the person over traditional institutions. Impressive for the Greek data is the fact that the request in favor of same-sex marriage in the sense of individual self-determination seems to have a high impact, while at the same time the profile of a rational social modernization is strengthened by the answers to ideological and political questions. which are particularly encouraging given the fact that the combination of two trends, on the one hand the people who are placed on the Left-Right axis and on the other hand those who refuse to be classified on this axis, shows a steady decline of ideology as a factor in shaping personal identity.


All the crises that the country is facing (pandemic, prolonged bankruptcy, the border crisis with Turkey, etc.) have led to a realistic approach and reception of the modern world. The effects of these crises do not seem to restrict society but instead have led to the sharing and organization of emotions in fairly liberal terms. Finally, interesting are the younger generations opinions,, which seem to form their own profile in which no specific ideology prevails, while at the same time the new threats do not seem to be able to be an obstacle to this liberalization of society.

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