Navigating Crisis: Our Journey Through a High-Stakes Crisis Management Simulation

Andreana Pavlidou Stylianos Thomopoulos

As students of crisis management, this semester we had the opportunity to immerse ourselves in a high-stakes simulation that tested our skills, knowledge, and ability to collaborate under pressure. This article chronicles our journey through this intense experience, representing three distinct teams: the hotel management (ABC-GROUP), the media, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Setting the Stage: The Crisis Unfolds

The simulation began with a scenario that immediately demanded our attention and swift action. Two members of a high-profile US delegation, staying at the prestigious Astra Hotel in Athens, reported symptoms of food poisoning. Given the delicate nature of the ongoing Gaza ceasefire talks, this incident had the potential to escalate into a major international crisis.

Team 1: The Hotel Management (ABC-GROUP)

As representatives of ABC-GROUP, we were thrust into the role of managing the crisis from the hotel’s perspective. Our primary objectives were to ensure the health and safety of our guests, maintain the hotel’s reputation (manage the media), and cooperate with authorities.

Immediate Response: Upon learning about the health incidents, our first priority was to provide medical attention to the affected individuals and initiate an internal investigation. We promptly informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and began thorough checks of our food safety protocols, staff health, and security systems.

Findings: The comprehensive checks, conducted by state agencies including EFET and the State General Chemistry, confirmed that no pathogenic organisms were found in the food, and all staff members were healthy. Our security systems showed no anomalies, reinforcing our confidence in the safety and quality of our operations.

Team 2: The Media

Representing the media, our role was to investigate the situation, report accurately, and ensure the public remained informed. This required balancing the urgency of delivering news with the responsibility of avoiding unnecessary panic or speculation.

Initial Coverage: Our initial reports highlighted the symptoms experienced by the US delegation members and the swift actions taken by the hotel management. We aimed to provide a factual account while acknowledging the seriousness of the situation.

Challenges: We faced the challenge of addressing rumors and speculation, particularly regarding the possibility of a terrorist act. Our investigative efforts focused on verifying information from credible sources, including statements from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ABC-GROUP.

Team 3: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

As representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, our responsibility was to manage the diplomatic implications of the crisis, ensure the safety of all involved parties, and maintain the country’s international reputation.

Collaborative Efforts: We worked closely with the hotel management to ensure transparency and accurate information dissemination. This involved frequent communications and joint statements to provide consistent updates to the media and public.

Managing Public Perception: Our primary goal was to prevent speculation and maintain public trust. By confirming the findings of the inspections and the improved health of the affected individuals, we aimed to reassure both domestic and international audiences.

The Journey: Challenges and Learnings

Crisis Management in Action

Throughout the simulation, we faced numerous challenges that tested our crisis management skills. From addressing health concerns and food safety protocols to managing rumors and maintaining public trust, each step required careful consideration and coordinated efforts.

Real-time Decision Making: The simulation emphasized the importance of swift and decisive action. Every decision had to be made with the understanding that it could have significant implications for the health of guests, the reputation of the hotel, and the success of the diplomatic talks.

Communication and Transparency: Effective communication was a critical component of our strategy. Whether it was issuing public statements, responding to media questions, or collaborating on joint statements, transparency was key to maintaining credibility and trust.

Reflections and Takeaways

As the simulation concluded, we reflected on our experiences and the lessons learned. The crisis management simulation provided valuable insights into the complexities of handling real-world crises and the importance of collaboration among different stakeholders.

Teamwork and Collaboration: The simulation underscored the importance of teamwork and collaboration. Each team brought unique perspectives and expertise, and working together was essential to navigate the crisis effectively.

Preparedness and Adaptability: Being prepared with robust protocols and the ability to adapt to evolving situations proved crucial. The simulation highlighted the need for organizations to have comprehensive crisis management plans in place.

Empathy and Responsibility: Handling the crisis also required empathy and a sense of responsibility. Understanding the concerns of guests, the public, and other stakeholders helped guide our actions and communications.

Insights from the Media Team

Moderator’s Perspective: Initially, our media team decided to split into three different “channels”: an online portal and two newspapers, to manage the flow of information effectively. Each member had specific roles, and we coordinated through regular meetings and clear communication channels. This approach not only gave us an insight into how a real crisis develops but also helped us collaborate effectively, making collective decisions rather than thinking individually.

Team Dynamics: Despite time management challenges, our coordinated efforts allowed us to meet deadlines and manage the workload efficiently. By leveraging each team member’s expertise, we ensured that our reporting was accurate and comprehensive. Regular meetings and the use of project management tools helped us track progress and prioritize tasks effectively.

Communication and Morale: Open and honest communication was critical to our success. We encouraged team members to voice concerns and suggest improvements, creating a climate of trust and cooperation. Celebrating small successes along the way kept morale high and reinforced the value of each member’s contributions.

Insights from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Team

Strategic Coordination: Our simulation began with assigning specific roles to team members, ensuring clear responsibilities. We maintained a neutral stance in our communications with the hotel, aiming to extract as much information as possible while preserving our relationship with the establishment.

Handling the Crisis: The scale of the situation changed as new information emerged, including the possibility of a terrorist act. We intensified our communication with the hotel, requesting detailed data and managing media inquiries with confirmed information. Our approach aimed to balance transparency with the need to avoid unnecessary alarm.

Public Communication: We issued separate press releases to maintain public trust and provided updates as new information became available. Our priority was to assure the public of the safety measures in place and the improvement in the health of the affected individuals.

Insights from the Hotel Team (ABC-GROUP)

Immediate Action and Crisis Response: As representatives of the ABC-GROUP (Astra Hotel-Athens), we were thrust into the critical role of managing the crisis from the hotel’s perspective. Our immediate actions focused on ensuring the health and safety of our guests, maintaining the hotel’s reputation, and cooperating closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Addressing Rumors and Public Perception: One of our significant challenges was addressing the rumors circulating about food safety and potential security threats. We focused on transparent communication to reassure the public and maintain trust. Issuing factual updates about the inspection results and the improved health of the affected guests was crucial.

Learning and Adaptation: The simulation taught us the importance of being prepared and adaptable in a crisis. Regular communication with our team and stakeholders, swift decision-making, and a clear action plan were key components of our successful crisis management.

Team Dynamics and Coordination: Within our team, we established clear roles and responsibilities to handle the crisis effectively. Our collaborative approach ensured that all aspects of the situation were managed efficiently, from medical response and internal investigations to public communication and coordination with external agencies.

Impact on Business: The immediate impact on the business was evident, with a temporary decline in restaurant reservations due to circulating rumors. However, our proactive measures, transparent communication, and commitment to maintaining high standards helped restore confidence among our guests and partners.

Conclusion: A Semester of Growth

The crisis management simulation was an intense, challenging, and ultimately rewarding experience. It provided a practical application of our studies and allowed us to develop critical skills that will be invaluable in our future careers.

As we move forward, we carry with us the lessons learned and the confidence gained from successfully navigating a complex crisis. This experience has not only enhanced our understanding of crisis management but also prepared us to handle real-world challenges with professionalism and resilience.


We extend our gratitude to our professors and simulation organizers for providing this unique learning opportunity. Special thanks to our fellow students who participated in the simulation, making it a comprehensive and enriching experience.

