New York Times on the Ukrainian war

As a team for this assignment we selected the Newspapers New York Times the publication of the 13th of May. So we find an article about Ukraine in this newspaper and we answered the questions we were asked.

The article is The West needs a plan on Ukraine

The page of the article, the article is in the frontpage and it continues in the 1oth page (It is the newspaper’s tactic to continue to other pages the article of the headline). Is the article written by an editor or is it anonymous ? It is written by Nigel Gould-Davies. So it is not an anonymous article it has a signature.

Nigel Gould-Davies

Does the article express a personal opinion or it is neutral? The article express a personal opinion of the editor because the type is an opinion article. It is not an article about facts and news for the war in Ukraine. Are adjectives to influence readers? There are not adjectives to influence the readers towards a specific direction . Does the title of the article is similar with the content ? Yes it is. The title of the article is “ The West needs a plan on Ukraine “. In the article , the plan is to follow a strategy where Europe knows what is needed to do in order to eliminate Russia’s powers and help Ukraine . According to the editor , Europe has not a clearly plan to push Russia and it should not let the russians to believe that they have power over Ukraine. Does this article places the war as a priority? This article places the war as a priority issue. It seems from the fact that is in the front page. Also the editor stresses the importance of this issue in the article. He claims that Europe have to act with a clear strategy because the war is the biggest challenge of the last years.

New Horizons Team : Aggelos Konstantinidis Nikos Kaskampas Marilina Niki Kritikou

Professors : Betty Tsakarestou Mania Xenou

