New York Times on Ukraine War

In the New York Times on May 13, 2022, the issue of the Ukraine war that started on February 24, 2022, seems to be still important enough to be placed on the front page of the newspaper.

The headline talks about Finland’s membership in NATO and Putin’s change of goal in the war he has declared in Ukraine. The content of the article largely agrees with the headline as it mentions the reasons why Finland wants a place in NATO. As for the second part of the title, the part about Putin’s changing war plan, answers are given as it seems that Russia will ‘strike’ any country that is openly against it and this means that Putin will turn against Finland once it has taken such an important step as getting involved in NATO. The article however takes it a step further and also talks about Sweden’s possible participation in NATO as well since as a neighbouring country with Finland they happen to have common goals.

The article is signed by Steven Erlanger in Brussels and Norimitsu Onishi from Paris. Cora Engelbrecht from London, Nick Cumming-Bruce from Geneva, Ivan Nechepurenko from Tbilisi, Monika Pronczuk from Brussels and Dan Bilefsky from Montreal also contributed to the text.

The article expresses the objective view of the author as he seems to analyse events rather than using adjectives or public opinion, he talks about things that have happened, things that leaders have said and the flow of his speech is consistent with the timeline of things, how they are happening and how they have come to a certain point. He doesn’t mention anything that is not true and he doesn’t comment on the facts. There are accurate dates and accurate statements and statistically he does not misinform and his headline is exactly what is offered in the article.

There are no adjectives in the text that make the reader feel that they have to take the position that the author is presenting. Adjectives such as ‘’important’’, ‘’security’’ or ‘’threat’’ are used with an objective connotation only to describe the actual circumstances and not as a commentary by the author or to influence the reader.

The article, having as its title Finland’s membership in NATO and the impact of this decision on Putin’s plan, puts new facts into the already existing facts in the war in Ukraine. It is the war as a war that is projected in the article and it is the developments that come to join the already existing ones of the war. In addition to the much discussed involvement, the article also talks about energy that the European Union is carrying out for Ukraine, the embargoes that are in place and how companies and countries are limiting their relations with Russia because of the war. Also references to statements by leaders are around the flow of the war and not about any other

