In the framework of the Crisis Lab by Ad&PrLab we were given the opportunity to experience a crisis simulation in order to see how the things are in situations like this. The crisis was about the sickness of the two representatives from the British delegation for the Brexit, which came to Greece in order to discuss about this matter. More analytically, the corporation Ubis Catering Hellas was responsible to offer food and drinks to all the members of the British delegation when they were dining at the hotel ASTI. But suddenly, the first victim was Beth Carbon, who got sick and the first possible cause was food poisoning. Later, another member appeared with the same symptoms as Mrs. Carbon’s, and as a result the situation became more complicated. In order to solve this issue, we separated in three groups, the first one was the company (Ubis Catering Hellas), the second one was the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the third group was the media.

On Saturday, 19th of January, we gathered together in the classroom of the Ad&PrLab in order to discuss about the serious issue and to find the truth behind this double incidence. At first, each group had a different room and an hour to discuss the latest news we were given and to organize our plan. Subsequently, we gathered again in the same room and each group had chosen 2 to 3 representatives to do the crisis simulation. All the representatives were hypothetically on air, giving a press conference so as to enlighten the audience.


Our team was Media, and had to choose three representatives to participate the simulation game. One as the presenter of the press conference and the other two as reporters-journalists .Before the simulation started, we had organized our strategic towards the catering UBIS and the Foreign Minister. We had examined really carefully what those two had replied to our questions, in order to pressure them as much as possible.

At first we were really anxious because of the atmosphere, the camera, the lights and the whole equipment that was there, as if we were real on TV. There was a large desk, which was our TV panel, and across that sat all the other members of our teams. Moreover, the fact that we had to be professionals and competitive to our classmates, stressed us even more.

The main difficulty was one! That although we knew that there wasn’t scandal and both sides were innocent, we had to present the exact opposite! Our tactic was simple; we had to rebut every strong or simple argument they had so that both of them would look unprepared and uncomfortable. Our purpose was the viewers to believe that UBIS as well as the foreign minister were hiding something. The disbelief of the crowd was exactly what we aimed at, and also what was needed for the “scandal” to become bigger. As the conversation started, we got the idea immediately. The questions we did were planned and more came to our minds as the opponent sides replied…

Additionally we wanted both sides to get nervous so that we could accuse them of guilt! At some point we succeed doing that.

UBIS catering and Foreign Minister were equally prepared, so the conversation was really interesting and delightful for the audience.

When the simulation ended, we congratulated each other and apologized to the other two teams for pressure them that much, even though we knew they were right.


In the end, it was a truly unique experience, a real stimulation of conflicting forces coming together to form the results of a crisis. This was so out of the ordinary forms of examination, especially in the Greek educational system, that took us by surprise. We didn’t know what to expect or how to act at the beginning but all went down perfectly right with the guidance of our two academics, mrs Betty Tsakarestouand mrs Xenou.Having too many eyes focusing on us, waiting for our next move, our next words was stressing of course but also exhilarating. Having so many people who worked so hard for this final round, being completely uncapable of objecting or helping or guiding their team members who represented them was scaring at first but every one of us knew the role of their team and their role in this crisis stimulation so well that it wasn’t nessecary after all.

We sure had to get out of our comfort zone, speak our minds, get into a role, a personality that may or may not suits us perfectly but in the end all that matters is that we were able to pull this off professionally and have fun with ourselves and with each other at the same time! We gained so much, not just a fun experience but also a knowledge that cannot be found in books. We lived a stimulation which helped us understand many aspects of ourselves and some of us actually discovered that are very interested to this field, some have the talent and the guts for it, while some would consider it just a good experience.

Not many students have the chance to be part of an experience like that because not many Universities and/or faculties are able to provide the human recourses, the place and the knowledge to make it come true. We were actually lucky to be part of something big, to explore a new way of learning not by heart but by experience and have fun all the way through! Thank you crisis lab for the opportunity!

Our team: Dimitra Karali, Ευγενία Μιχαηλίδη ,Anastasia Pantelaki ,Evaggelia Paraskevopoulou, Mariza Rizou, diana ts, & Dimitra Christodoulaki

Our professors :Betty Tsakarestou , M. Xenou

