The media has been telling us about the Syrian crisis for years. We know that the dead have exceeded 500,000, we know that many people have abandoned their homeland, and they have come to a foreign land, we also know that property has been destroyed by war. But why do so many trials and tribulations really happen to people?

Let’s get things right from the beginning. On March 17, 2011, a group of demonstrators called the Arab Spring was formed. Protesters have revolted against the regime of Bashar al-Assad, who has been in power since 2000. The demands concerned problems of standard of living, as well as political and democratic freedoms. On March 18, a new demonstration took place, with police throwing a hail of bullets on civilians. Thus, a civil war broke out between Assad’s supporters and those who opposed him.

In July 2011, troops broke away from the Syrian army and formed the Free Syrian Army, a group of rebels aimed at toppling Assad.

However, it is very important to mention that this is not only a civil war but also an international war, as the causes are geopolitical and economic. The geopolitics are as follows: Russia wants to maintain a friendly government in Damascus and a military presence in the Mediterranean, in order to promote itself as a global player of power against the US. The United States appears determined to retain territory in Syria to prevent the resurgence of terrorist groups and to block Iran’s plans to expand its influence in the eastern Mediterranean. Israel shares the same goal as the United States, to confront Iran, especially on its border with Syria. Turkey not ready to accept US-backed Kurdish militia.

Concerning the economic causes, a controversy over the energy wealth (oil, gas) of the wider region is estimated. The turmoil caused by the Arab Spring is credited with undermining agreements between governments and giving ground to other countries to pursue their own interests.

As we have said, it is not just a civil war, but a war that concerns the international community. In addition to the interests represented by each government, the Syrian crisis has had an impact throughout the world. Along with the crisis in Syria, a huge refugee crisis erupted. It is estimated that 4 million Syrians have abandoned their homeland and went to neighboring countries Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece and from there to the European Union, constituting a major stream of the European migration crisis.

Therefore, the countries that receive the refugees should be able to live in peace with them for as long as necessary. It is always worth remembering that no human being leaves their homeland for insignificant reasons, let alone when it comes to war, so it would be good to show understanding and support, as anyone can find their place.

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Our teachers:

Betty Tsakarestou

Mania Xenou

Our team: Suspicious minds

Alkistis Joan, Vlasia Manteska,Maritina Filiou, ANNA LAMPROU

