Gender — an evolutionary sociobiological hack — ‘it’s all about having kids’

[SKETCH] early groundwork for fitting conservative and liberal views on gender into a single framework

Crispin Semmens
Crispin Semmens
2 min readMay 27, 2019


this could lead to extensions of gender for non-humans too… (
  • reproduction is the key stage of life around which all other stages are oriented
  • binary gender facilitates mating/child-rearing-pairing which (biologically) *always* involves a polarised binary-pairing — regardless of the variegated biological/sexual realities of particular individuals
  • gender outside the mating/child-rearing-pair is practice or educative-role-modelling for life within the mating/child-rearing-pair
  • as population approaches carrying capacity child-rearing becomes less of a necessity for individual/group survival, and increasingly a potential liability
  • children are the prototypical ‘pension’ — and the primary measure of evolutionary fitness
  • does non-heterosexual orientation/behaviour increase as populations approach carrying capacity?
  • culture operates within modal cognitive limits of individuals — so gender is only as complex as necessary to ensure adequate functioning of the individual and society while leaving room for all other cultural elements. As child-rearing declines/transforms as a universal activity, the myth of gender needs to adapt, within cognitive limits, to reflect this.
  • we are lacking a broad enough base of myth to accommodate — in ways conducive to healthful society — the broadening possibilities for child-rearing, involvement in child-rearing or abstention from such activities
  • the further outside established (gender-)myths we stray, the harder life becomes — we operate off-script, so others don’t know how to treat us and we don’t know how to behave — more and more must be invented from scratch which can increase anxiety and cognitive load on all involved
  • consider: the genetic/evolutionary layer driving biological reproduction and physical drives; and its interactions (healthful and pathological) with the cultural layer driving social reproduction and mental life; and gradations of this, eg the emotional layer as a mediating layer?
  • consider: evolutionary/historical limits on cultural transmission, variety, complexity and whether they might be changing/expanding in this historical moment — and the implications of the risks that these limits will contract again in the future: simple gender myths are vital (and intrinsically persistent) because they (have) endure(d) civilisational collapse, while complex myths are fragile and cannot survive beyond the complex civilisations that support them.



Crispin Semmens
Crispin Semmens

The trick is to combine your waking rational abilities with the infinite possibilities of your dreams..., if you can do that, you can do anything. - Waking Life