Muses, Come Hither!

Cristina Juesas
A wander around digital identity
3 min readJun 2, 2015


One never knows where inspiration comes from. It came to me the other day while I was reading The super sarcastic guide to succeeding on social media by Cameron McCool (love the name, by the way), because he has shed a light on some things that I endure every day.

I read a lot of blogs related to social media, some from established gurus and some others from unknown pros. In most cases, I end up marking the post as read without having finished it. Why? Well, they mostly talk about the same things in an endless loop of tips, tools and infallible advice.

It is tough finding a good topic to talk about. I struggle with it every week. Sometimes, the muses come pretty quickly, but, as long as I don’t like to copy-paste or get too inspired by others, I spend a lot of time thinking of a good topic. Having a blog implies discipline and a little bit of creativity. Of course, even if you are 100% original — and we can’t always be that original — not all your posts will deserve a Pulitzer. However, engaging in this brain exercise will do you good.

But that’s not all. We can’t rely on others forever. We are living through strange times when part of the population is already digitalized enough, while the other part still lives in a digital dark age. This leads social media experts around the world to look for their own niche, somewhere in that grey area. It doesn’t matter where the blogger comes from; in terms of content, right now it seems that we all are blogging about the same things, and what’s worse, we all are using the same case studies. Can’t we stop here for a minute and think if this is what we want?

I like to use examples from my personal experience in my posts and my workshops. Firstly, it’s because I know first-hand what happened and I can apply my expertise to point out any weaknesses or strengths. And secondly, it’s because borrowing others’ examples is like copy-pasting. I even change the examples of my keynotes from one workshop to the next. There are plenty of cases out there…

We don’t have to be bots. There’s no announcement, no app update… that isn’t automatically covered by thousands of bloggers. Can’t you wait a while and tell us something different about the use(s) of the brand new whatever?

But back to the point… is it that difficult to find good blogging topics? In my opinion, only those who dare can drive the world forward. Only those who innovate, who think (and get) out of the box, deserve our scarce reading moments. So, please, next time you’re sitting at your desk, call your muses, they will show you the right path.

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Cristina Juesas
A wander around digital identity

Once I pop, I can't stop! ❀ Dircom. Hub. Consultant. Blogger. Curious. Always ready for new adventures. Licensee & Curator @TEDxVGasteiz. Ikasten ari naiz .·.