Discovery with Consul at scale

Pierre Souchay
Criteo Tech Blog
Published in
9 min readNov 27, 2019
Criteo Offices in Paris

This article is the first one talking about our usage around Consul and the work in the Discovery team. We are a team in charge of running Consul, integrating all parts of Criteo in a streamlined way and providing SDKs for all applications to properly talk to each other.

In these articles, we will talk about the reasons of moving to Consul, the various issues we found using it, the patches we issued (more than 60 upstream contributions), the way we design our SDKs and the future directions we will embrace.

Why moving to Consul?

More than three years ago, Criteo did choose Consul to discover services inside its pretty large infrastructure.

Criteo used to rely on various systems to discover the services within the infrastructure: Chef queries (Chef is an automation system to deploy infrastructure), an in-house database-based system, and various other systems (Zookeeper, DNS, hard-coded paths).

All those heterogeneous systems shared a few drawbacks: latency, huge implementation costs (lots of libraries) and difficulty to communicate with each other. Consistency of load balancing systems was also an issue since many systems did declare several health checks in order to guess whether a machine/service was up/down.

Since Criteo was running for a long time with those systems, why moving to a new system?

Criteo has been historically using large applications on bare-metal servers, without any kind of virtualization.

But at that time, Criteo was starting to use Mesos in order to launch containerized apps on common hardware. It means that our deployment infrastructure (Chef) which was used to provision Mesos machines no longer had any knowledge about applications running on those machines.

One advantage of infrastructure virtualization is to provide a way to quickly re-use hardware to run various workloads. This is pretty cool because it brings the following benefits:

  • Ability to run different workloads at the same time on a machine. Think about an application consuming 75% of memory while using 10% of CPU and another using 10% of memory and using 60% of CPU, those 2 apps might be collocated on a single hardware and run smoothly on a single machine. It has always been hard to do so historically because several applications tend to “pollute” filesystems and/or take the whole resources of the machine when something goes bad. But with the democratization of containerization, it is now possible on modern operating systems to provide some real isolation for most resources.
  • Less hardware needed to provide the same level of resilience. When your machines are specialized, each of those machine need spare hardware in case of failure, so when you have 30 services, you need at least 30 machines ready to take the place of a faulty one, but having non-dedicated hardware can let you only have a few machines in spare hardware and whenever one of those machine dies, replace it with one ready in the common pool.
  • Ability to switch tasks during the day. A machine can be used during the daylight to perform some tasks, while being used to compute its results during the night.
  • Less combinations of OS configurations to maintain for people in charge of infrastructure.
  • Less time to go to market when a new product is being launched since you can use free machines from the global pool.

The list goes on, but these are some of the main reasons people tend to prefer cloud-based or containerized applications. All of this goes with some additional complexity however: applications can move very fast from a machine to another, change their IP, their port, so traditional tools such as DNS and databases are hard to scale efficiently to allow those kinds of new workloads.

We will not detail all the features of Consul, but this software is basically a strongly consistent distributed K/V Store, having features similar to products such as etcd or Apache Zookeeper, but a part of the K/V store is specialized and normalized to address Discovery oriented towards services. It also comes with built-in feature to detect failing nodes (which is a pretty hard task in a distributed environment) and distribute this information across the whole cluster.

HashiCorp Consul multi-DC aware Distributed Architecture

Consul brings some nice features:

  • no specific requirements in terms of network (you don’t need to run a complicated Software Defined Network system), so all systems can talk to each other even if those systems are running in the Cloud, in containers or in traditional bare-metal machines.
  • service oriented: the machine is just a detail, everything is handled through services, we don’t care about being in a virtualized system, a real machine, being alone on the machine or sharing the machines with dozens of other services.
  • ease of administration because it only requires another node to find all the nodes of the cluster: you don’t need to provide a full list of systems, it can join “magically” other Consul enabled systems.
  • ability to detect failure of services using several health checks, so the app does not require to implement its own detection mechanism to detect failure (and human that do program systems have issues detecting and properly reacting to all possible failures).
  • ability to be notified almost immediately when services do change and to provide tools to easily generate mutable configurations from templates using tools like consul-template or our open-source and hi-performance implementation consul-templaterb.
  • nice DNS gateway, which allows to quickly allow any app to interact with other Consul-declared systems whenever this app is Consul-aware.

From nothing to Universal Discovery

For all those reasons, Consul was chosen to modify deeply how our high number of services discover themselves within our large infrastructures. The move was quite progressive, but still done at very high pace: since our infrastructure was mainly provisioned with chef, many services could be added automatically to Consul very quickly by adding only a few lines of code into our deployment code.

Once the services were properly added in Consul, with health checks, we started using the discovery mechanisms:

  • DNS for basic systems or infrastructure elements not-Consul ready
  • Consul’s HTTP API for most of the business applications by modifying our SDKs which already used some kind of abstraction to find other services.

Since Criteo systems are highly automated for the most part, the move was done quite fast (in a few weeks), but the real move was to consume all those services from the apps, meaning that applications do target the correct services. Criteo had been using internal SDKs to find the targets of the micro-services within the infrastructure for years, but moving paradigms still takes time.

Mesos to Consul

At the same time, we worked on mechanisms to automatically declare applications running on Mesos, so those applications could be declared in Mesos frameworks (we mainly use Marathon as a framework for Mesos) and automatically registered into Consul at the same time with semantics similar to what had been provisioned in the other parts of infrastructure. It then becomes possible to run existing services in both bare-metal and within Mesos. Consul hides the details and clients can find their target services running in mixed pools (50% bare-metal, 50% Mesos for instance).

Having mixed workloads brings its own issues however: a given service can now run either on a bare-metal server running on all the CPUs of a machine and at the same time on smaller instances having less resources. It also means that the instances of a given service can have very different characteristics, whether the instance is running Windows, Linux, is deployed into a container or as a regular service. The need to describe those differences lead us to implement service metadata that could be retrieved by all the clients to take more appropriate decisions to target a given service.

This mechanism was historically set-up using weights in our load-balancers. Those weights would result is more or less requests being sent on a given machine given its generation (recent servers are most often faster, so more weight was allocated according to them). Consul did not provide a built-in mechanism to do so (some hacks were relying on tags, but no real standardization was present), so we decided to implement our own with a new added feature: the ability to automatically adjust the weight depending on the state of a given service.

Load-Balancer provisioning

Criteo is historically using two kinds of load-balancing in its architecture:

  • client-side load balancing (aka Service Mesh): in this mode, used only within its data-centers, the application uses an internal library (similar to systems such as Finatra) to find the nodes running their target service, and then target those instances of the service directly using HTTP. The benefits being that latency is reduced and it does not need any kind of server in the middle to route the traffic. Furthermore With the number of instances of a service, the cost of ownership of dedicated load-balancers would be very high, hence the usage client-side load-balancing at Criteo. We thus adapted those SDKs to use Consul instead of our legacy systems. Now all applications use a feature called blocking requests that allow being notified when the instances of a service do change (their status or the nodes).
  • Traditional load-balancing has also been used for years, running F5 or HAProxy. We decided to use the same exact mechanism: watching all changes in Consul in order to trigger commands when nodes for a given service do change. By providing information into Consul (using tags), it also becomes possible to discover automatically the services that need to be added to our various load-balancers stacks.

Those two ways of provisioning do rely on the same exact semantics within Consul, we now have a system where you can use client side load-balancing or dedicated load balancers and have the same exact results.

Load-balancing is a complex beast: sometimes, even if you use weights to route your traffic, some nodes will be slower than others. Whatever the reason (maintenance, scheduled task, Garbage Collection), some instances of a given service will be able to sustain less load, or to reply bad answers because of misconfiguration, dependencies in a bad state or simply by being overloaded.

Health checks have been using traditionally in all our stacks to ensure the node is answering correctly. Those health checks were using a binary state: working or not working. Consul also adds a third state called warning. This state can be interpreted freely by the end user. But while we added support for weights, we also allowed service owners to add a specific weight for the state warning. It thus became possible to use a service in a degraded state (warning), so it means that if we can trigger this status when the node is too heavily loaded, we could use it as a ternary state to allow overloaded nodes to recover. The big advantage of having a non-binary state is that it avoids having a data-center being completely down all nodes are too loaded: in that case, the first overloaded nodes will receive less traffic, redirecting some of the traffic to others, but if the other nodes are also overloaded, then traffic will be served anyway (at worst, all nodes are in warning state).

Notifications for Load-Balancer stacks

After this work, all the Load-Balancing stacks wether those systems are implemented as libraries in our applications or as dedicated systems for HAProxy/F5 systems did receive updates about their targets.

This allows all those systems to watch changes in the Consul infrastructure and automatically create full load-balancing stacks based on real-time changes in the instances of targeted services.

Automation of lifecycle of VIP As A Service (VAAS) with Consul

For dedicated Load-Balancer (called VaaS as VIP As A Service), the VaaS is watching all services in Consul and automatically create/delete new Reverse Proxies when a service tagged as HTTP appear/disappears in Consul Catalog. This allow fully automated provisioning of Reverse Proxies for all services in the whole infrastructure.

Towards more advanced discovery and new patterns

In the next articles, we will go deeper into those subjects and see how industrialization of discovery will help Criteo and might help you changing radically how systems can talk / discover themselves and how it can change the way organizations and teams work in an era of micro-services.

Other articles from the Discovery team

A few video presentations about Consul usage at Criteo (English)

Video presentation in French

