Highlights of Paris-Saclay SPRING 2024

Jijie Liu
Criteo Tech Blog
Published in
5 min readMay 30, 2024

Paris-Saclay Spring 2024, which took place on May 16 at the HEC Paris campus, was a hub of innovation. One of the highlights was the pitch contest, where the most promising startup projects were showcased at the end of the academic year.

The contest was divided into five tracks: FoodTech, Health-Biotech, CleanTech, Digital Tech, and Industry & Services. A total of 25 startups competed for the title of champion in each track, with the audience and a professional jury selecting the standout startup.

In addition to the contest, approximately 50 companies, ranging from student startups to large enterprises, participated in the event, presenting their innovative projects.

Moreover, several workshops were conducted to share insights on the strategies and tools necessary for creating and scaling a startup in Europe.

As an employee of Criteo and a student at HEC Paris, I had the opportunity to attend this event alongside my classmate, Yahya KHODER.

The main stage of Paris-Saclay Spring 2024
Left: Yahya KHODER; Right: me

Pitch Contest: A Celebration of Startup

The startups that joined the pitch contest are mostly compact teams of around 10 members, freshly founded in 2023 or 2024. They were given a tight 3-minute window to present their innovative businesses and compete for the championship.

The track that attracted me the most was Digital Tech, with AI being the show's star. Here are some startups that stood out:

Opscidia is transforming the way we understand scientific literature. No longer is it just about reading — their platform analyzes and comprehends scientific literature at a scale beyond human capability. This is a game-changer for those in research and development and innovation.

Ako is set to revolutionize the retail industry with its AI-powered inventory management software. Their system provides profit-maximizing, waste-minimizing recommendations, ensuring retailers always have the right product at the right place and at the right time.

BPARTNERS IA offers an AI that detects and analyzes roofs in aerial & satellite images. This isn’t just for roofers, but also for government or local authorities looking to identify objects of interest. It’s like having a bird’s-eye view of the world, all powered by AI.

But it wasn’t just AI startups that shone. LumiSync, a semiconductor manufacturer, caught everyone’s attention. They aim to provide faster data processing and lower energy consumption by developing Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs). They’ve already patented the world’s first 100% photonic oscillator, a crucial component of most integrated circuits. This oscillator is 1000x faster and 1000x more energy efficient than today’s best electronic oscillators. That’s incredibly impressive.

These startups are a testament to the innovative environment in Europe. They’re proof that success can be achieved in any domain with the right idea and the courage to pursue it. Seeing these entrepreneurs launching their businesses and making a real impact is incredibly inspiring.

Spotlight on Student Startups

Beyond the startups that took center stage at the pitch contest, several other companies piqued my interest, particularly the student startups in the realm of digital tech.

Companies participated in Paris-Saclay SPRING 2024

Take, for instance, Histia, the pioneering business intelligence document generator. This innovative startup was brought to life by the bright minds at CentraleSupélec and has been installed in Station F, the world’s largest startup campus.

After a conversation with Hiyu Shintani, the CTO of Histia, I learned about their impressive Minimum Viable Product (MVP). It’s a tool that generates a CV with just minimal input like name, age, etc., and a template. The MVP scours the internet for information related to the user’s input and feeds it into a Language Model (LLM) along with the template. The result? A complete CV, ready in no time.

The concept is straightforward yet powerful, and it’s already making a difference by saving people valuable time. I’m eager to see what their next product will be. With such a promising start, the future looks bright for Histia!

Indeed, the success of student startups is not a solo endeavor. It’s a testament to the robust support system that nurtures them. A prime example is 21st by CentraleSupélec, an impact accelerator that plays a pivotal role in the startup ecosystem, participated in this event.

This accelerator is dedicated to supporting students, researchers, and entrepreneurs in developing disruptive innovations and digital startups. It provides comprehensive assistance, from the ideation phase all the way to scale-up.

The presence of such a supportive platform within the academic environment is a game-changer. It not only fosters innovation but also encourages students to venture into entrepreneurship. This environment is a key factor in the success of startups.

Europe’s Commitment to Innovation

Europe is a strong advocate for innovation, particularly in the realms of science and technology. This was evident during the workshops at the Paris-Saclay Spring 2024 conference, where I learned about the European Innovation Council (EIC).

EIC presented by Gisela Santos

The EIC is a key player in funding research to develop the scientific foundation for breakthrough technologies. It provides support right from the earliest stages of scientific, technological, and deep-tech R&D.

Since 2022, the EIC Fund has approved investments of €1 billion in 159 companies. Furthermore, under the Horizon Europe program, a staggering €10 billion budget has been allocated.

These figures underscore the significant efforts Europe is making to propel innovation in tech. This commitment to innovation is not just shaping the future of Europe but also contributing to advancements on a global scale.

Final thoughts

After immersing myself in this event, I was deeply moved by the passion radiating from these inspiring startups and founders. Their unwavering persistence to keep pushing toward their dreams despite the hurdles and uncertainties left a lasting impression on me. They embrace challenges with open arms and have an unshakeable faith in their vision.

Moreover, it’s incredibly encouraging to see the extensive support provided by Europe to these dream-chasers. This nurturing environment not only fuels their ambitions but also reaffirms their faith in their entrepreneurial journey.

A peaceful park on the HEC Paris campus, outside of the Paris-Saclay SPRING 2024



Jijie Liu
Criteo Tech Blog

Developer in Paris, interested in building small cool stuffs