ICML 2020. Comprehensive analysis of authors, organizations, and countries.

Sergei Ivanov
Criteo R&D Blog
Published in
6 min readJun 16, 2020


ICML is one of the most important conferences in Machine Learning and therefore it’s interesting to see who publishes at this conference. So I looked at the accepted papers for ICML 2020 and analyzed authors, organizations, and countries that participated this year. The conference will take place virtually from 13th to 18th July in 2020.

This year there are 1088 accepted papers from 4990 submissions, leading to 21.8% acceptance rate.

Before we dive in, the code can be found at GitHub repo and you can build your own plots in this Colab notebook (no installation required).


Let’s first take a look at the top authors.

Publishing at ICML is incredibly hard and hence it’s even more impressive to see that so many authors published several papers. Masashi Sugiyama from RIKEN and the university of Tokyo has astonishing 11 accepted papers. He is followed by Michal Valko (DeepMind), Michael Jordan (UC Berkeley), and Dale Schuurmans (Google / U. of Alberta).



Sergei Ivanov
Criteo R&D Blog

Machine Learning research scientist with a focus on Graph Machine Learning and recommendations. t.me/graphML