How to Submit an Article to Critical Awareness

Kaylee Craig
Critical Awareness
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2020
Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash

Hi there! Grateful to be in this space with you. Here’s a little about Critical Awareness in its beginning stages, and I hope there’s a part of it that appeals to you as a learner, writer, organizer, activist, and human being. I’m the E̶d̶i̶t̶o̶r̶-̶i̶n̶-̶C̶h̶i̶e̶f̶/̶F̶o̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶/̶C̶r̶e̶a̶t̶o̶r̶ ̶ Main Editor for CA, and I identify as a white (Irish and Scottish origins) ciswoman, bisexual and demi, Aquarius Sun Virgo Rising, and of low-income. I’m also a writer/editor, designer, and Etsy shop owner of Embolden Clothing that offers empowering designs for LGBTQIA+ to represent our Pride.

Critical Awareness is a publication I’m starting with the intention of giving a voice to people learning about current social theory, anti-racism, neoliberalism, colonialism, etc. and for those who want to offer additional insight and observation. A lot of the time sources will not be provided in these articles/posts, so this should open you up to more research or opportunities to share the space with others and learn from each other.

This is a space to think, process, and advocate for change, not for self-aggrandizement or assuaging guilt. Personal experiences may be brought up, which is totally welcomed when promoting dialogue. Finally, feel free to contribute to any of the following topics relevant to Critical Awareness, and if you are unsure that your topic fits, feel free to send it anyway! If nothing else, we will have a discussion amongst ourselves over email. :-)

Mediums Accepted:
Short Story
Resource Lists
Book/Film/TV/Course Reviews
Local News
Activism Opportunities

Suggested Topics (use as guidance, not end all be all):
Daily occurrences
Positionality in the social world (identity politics)
Any -isms
Forgotten news or events
Denied mainstream access events or news
Social and cultural theory
Income inequality, racial inequality, gender inequality, ability inequality, all the inequalities!
Environmental justice (and sustainability ideas)
Social justice
Mental health
Reviews of books
Educational resources
Resources in general
Highlighting of small businesses owned by marginalized groups outside of a simple review
Organizations to support
Projects needing support that empower and are innovative but may be overlooked
Spotlights on marginalized ideas (like permaculture or supporting black financial planners)
Proactive change ideas

  • If there is any deliberate falsifying of info to enact harm or negative action against an individual or community, such articles will be flagged for discussion between the main editor (me) and that contributor. Some information may be thought-provocative in nature, which is essentially what Critical Awareness invites, but if the information is mentally or physically harmful that’s where it won’t be presented through this channel.

To submit, please follow the link below:

Thanks so much for sharing this space with me. Looking forward to your future contribution(s)!

Take care,




Kaylee Craig
Critical Awareness

I write about sustainability and society. I’m also a poet, check out “All in a Seed” & “Emotion-time Continuum” on Amazon.