Destiny 2 Needs Bigger PvP Matches

Justin Luschinski
Critical Hit
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2017

Destiny 2’s beta has officially opened up to the public.

I’ve played it pretty extensively, trying out the classes and game modes, and so far I’m having a good time. There’s a lot to like about this game: The story missions are engaging, shooting stuff feels amazing, and the story looks to be a vast improvement over Destiny 1’s incomprehensible garbage fire that was it’s plot.

It seems like Bungie have corrected most of the major issues I had with Destiny 1. But now that I’ve played a few hours of the beta, I’ve noticed some things. Things that I hope they can fix before the game is released in September.

First of all:

We Need Larger PvP Matches

Destiny 2 has 4 vs 4 matches, and while I’m enjoying myself, 4 enemy players is too small of a number to have any real fun.

It stops becoming this cool arena shooter where you can destroy a bunch of players and feel awesome, and more of this tactical MOBA-esq team game where running around on your own will get you killed.

Destiny 2 needs more options. Maybe a 6 vs 6 match, or hell, something like Halo’s 8 vs 8 Big Team Battle. I’m not asking for Battlefield: Destiny, but at least give us some kind of large battle mode.

PvP Needs Some Kind of Comeback Mechanic

Stop trying to make Destiny into a MOBA.

I play shooters to dash around, get kills, and feel like a bad ass. But Destiny 2 actively punishes you for doing that.

The more points & kills the enemy gets, the more their super meter fills. If you’re on the losing team, this puts you at a major disadvantage. The winning team’s supers are filling up faster, and even if you start to pull ahead in points, they can just spend their meters and completely destroy your team.

So even if you keep calm and play well, whomever was in first place at the beginning of the match basically get an instant win button.

Give the losing team some kind of comeback ability. Maybe an ability that gives them a slight increase in damage or defense for a short time.

And That’s It

I’ll probably have more to say about Destiny 2 once it’s September release date rolls around.

So far, I’m very impressed. Destiny 1 was a slog to play through, and I’m glad that Bungie finally remembered what made Halo so great: A solid story that felt amazing to play.

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Justin Luschinski
Critical Hit

Writer | Video Maker | Vessel for a Sentient Beard.