
Deadline to get coverage in 2017 ends on January 31


Making sure you saw Friday’s news about the Affordable Care Act. Please remind your community to signup for coverage before tomorrow’s deadline to ensure that they have health care in 2017.

According to Politico, “The last five days of the open enrollment season are seen as critical because many individuals procrastinate and then join a last-minute sign-up surge. That’s particularly true for younger and healthier customers who are crucial to making insurance markets work.”

The “ad budget” includes everything from online advertising to reminder emails sent to uninsured Americans who have not completed their applications. The deadline to sign up for coverage is January 31.

Our DC federal advocacy team put together this graphic for you to use on social media. One click and it will post on your pages.

We know that one in four adolescents and young adults impacted by cancer experience a time period without health care coverage after their diagnosis. Make sure your community knows to sign up for health care before tomorrow’s deadline if they need coverage in 2017.


Critical Mass HQ



Critical Mass
Critical Mass: The Young Adult Cancer Alliance

A powerful coalition of advocacy organizations and institutions dedicated to improving the lives of young adults with cancer.