The End is Not Near for the ACA, But it is Closer

This week the 115th Congress was sworn in and for the next two years they plan to make good on their campaign promises which includes repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Yesterday’s headlines about the House Republican Study Committee repeal bill suggests that the end is near for the ACA but it isn’t.

Frankly, what we saw yesterday is not new. The resolution is very similar to bills introduced in the two previous Congresses and none of those became law. Even the Chair of the Republican Study Committee Representative Mark Walker (R, NC-6) who introduced the resolution yesterday noted:

“I would call this a Round One of a 15-round heavyweight fight.”

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R, WI-1) also made clear that:

“We want to make sure that as we give relief to people to Obamacare, we do it in a transition that doesn’t pull the rug out from anybody during that transition period.”

ACA will not be repealed today or even the moment when President-elect Donald Trump takes the oath of office later this month. However, it does bring Congress closer to repeal which means we must stay vigilant.

We know that lack of insurance is still one of the most crucial barriers to ensuring adolescents and young adults diagnosed in the United States with cancer between the ages of 15 and 39 can survive and thrive after a diagnosis. Without adequate insurance coverage, our patients and survivors face:

  • Later stage diagnoses and limited options for treatment;
  • Increased financial burden which limits their ability to seek medical advice at the onset of symptoms; and
  • Shorter survival rates compared to fully insured patients of similar age and diagnosis.

ACA repeal without a replacement strategy will only leave our community even further underserved by the American health care system. Critical Mass is committed to following what is happening in Washington on your behalf and we will make sure the voice of adolescents and young adults impacted by cancer have a voice in this and every health care debate.

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Kate Yglesias Houghton
Critical Mass: The Young Adult Cancer Alliance

Passionate about mission-driven organizations, Beagles, and the Dixie Chicks.