Making a Lyric Video

Jonas Escobedo
Critical Making Spring ’19
2 min readMay 2, 2019

For my final project, I decided to make a VR lyric video. A lyric video is essentially a music video but instead of camera footage it uses mostly animated text and objects to create a story. I really wanted to work on my animation skills and I find music videos really interesting as well as an effective use of VR.

When starting, I began to research different videos and noticing what they did right and wrong. I wanted to be able to create a specific style, and so the assets that I pulled from the Internet had to fit those requirements. I realized that I wanted to bring in pictures of the artist and style them in a way that fit the aesthetic I was going for. Than I gathered images for backgrounds with which I could animate as well.

One of the assets used in the video.

Starting this project in 2D was comforting. I am comfortable in Photoshop, Illustrator and could make my way around Premier. These three programs I relied on heavily. My process started with photoshopping the images into useable assets that matched the style of the video. Than I brought those into Premier and began to animate and organize them for the 3 minute duration.

When making a lyric video, it can be easy to find one thing working and continuously use that throughout the video. This is a nice shortcut but it isn’t a great effect for the entertainment value. People get bored easily when seeing the same thing.

