3 Reasons Why Captain Marvel Could Flop

So, Trolls are the bad guys?

David Caracciolo
Critique Me
3 min readFeb 27, 2019


We’re less than a week away from Captain Marvel’s release into cinemas and the trolls are out to get it…

Credit: Marvel Studios

According to Rotten Tomatoes, the interest for this film fell down to 27%, unheard of for an upcoming Marvel film!!! The “Want To See” feature has since been disabled.

What is going on???

Well, I’ve done some digging and here are 3 possible reasons why Captain Marvel could fail to meet expectations…

1. The Trailers Are Boring

The job of any trailer is to convince people to go watch the movie, not become the subject of ridicule. But that’s exactly what happened when the first trailer for Captain Marvel came out…

People weren’t exactly blown away by it. Some called it boring, others, bland. You only get one shot to make a good first impression. It didn’t help that the main star, Brie Larson, seemed to have the same dead look on her face in every scene…

Credit: Marvel Studios

The lack of interest on Brie Larson’s face seemed to rub off on some of the audience too. The trailer went viral for all the wrong reasons as the latest addition to the MCU became the subject of a meme…

2. She’s Not a Popular Character

I’m sorry, but Captain Marvel isn’t as popular as other Marvel superheroes such as Spider-Man or the Incredible Hulk. Her comic hasn’t had a stable run since Ms. Marvel in 2010.

She’s been rebooted multiple times. Every time they try to revive the hero, she gets cancelled again! She just doesn’t sell so why on Earth do they think a movie will save her?

Credit: Marvel Comics

Well, the Guardians of the Galaxy were obscure characters until James Gunn made them a cinematic wonder. Perhaps Marvel hopes to do the same with Captain Marvel, we’ll have to wait and see.

3. White Men

Larson peeved off a lot of white men when she made the following comment during her acceptance speech at the Women in Film Crystal + Lucy Awards…

“I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about A Wrinkle in Time. It wasn’t made for him.”

And bang. That lit a flame that’s only grown stronger during the lead up to her next film, Captain Marvel. Some have likened it to the Gilette ad that seemed to go after their core demographic. Here’s something I wrote about that…

Larson had to clarify her comments during a recent press interview…

Disney’s ‘damage control’ team is in full swing. Now, in an effort to quell the trolls, Rotten Tomatoes has removed the “Want To See” function from their site. How ironic that a website that tries to promote the opinion of critics, would go out of their way to silence them.

Anyway… I’m hoping Captain Marvel silences its critics by just being a great film. Hopefully, that’ll put an end to all this nonsense.



David Caracciolo
Critique Me

I like big PUNS and I can not lie. You other writers can't deny