All Writers Have One Thing in Common with Superman

We all need a Fortress of Solitude

David Caracciolo
Critique Me
2 min readApr 7, 2019


In my opinion, all writers are superhuman…

Photo by Yogi Purnama on Unsplash

We’re brave when it comes to sharing our opinions with the rest of the world and we fight for truth and justice. Just like Superman’s alter-ego, we also write for a living. He’s a reporter after all.

Superman wasn’t created on Krypton, he didn’t crash land on Earth. He was created here… by writers like you and me.

That’s write, Superman owes his entire existence to us! Nothing is more powerful than that!!!

But even Superman needs his alone time. Space where he can create. Where he can think. A place that’s completely isolated from the rest of the world. A place that’s quiet.

Sound familiar?

Yes, we writers need this too. Just like Superman, we need a space to think where we can’t be disturbed, but this can be difficult to find. Nevertheless, you NEED to find such a place.

I know, I know… saving the planet is a fulltime job, but you can find solace in knowing that even Superman needs his space from time to time. Don’t feel guilty. Don’t be ashamed.

He’s only superhuman… just like you.

So find that place, whatever it takes. You may need to set boundaries with your roommates or family members. If they really have your back, they’ll understand.

Okay… maybe they don't quite understand, but they’ll give you the space you need to do what you love. To do what makes you happy.

If they won’t or simply can’t, you may need to take yourself out of the environment entirely. Just like Superman, you may need to find your own Fortress of Solitude. However, you need not travel so far.

The local library or coffee shop is a good choice. The library, where it’s quieter, is better. Or you can stay back a bit after work, you can get a lot done if you’re working in a work environment.

It works for me and it can work for you.

Try it for yourself. Find your Fortress of Solitude and save yourself before you save others with your writing powers.

Thanks for reading, for more on writing…



David Caracciolo
Critique Me

I like big PUNS and I can not lie. You other writers can't deny