Ever wondered what the L in CRL stands for? Well today it’s all about Ladies!

5 min readMar 8, 2017


As it’s International Women’s Day, we asked some of the women in the CRL community to share favourite quotes, thoughts and advice on what inspires and motivates them.

We’re not going to get into a debate today about perhaps the lack of women in the hardware, tech, startup, investor world…… but what we can say is that we’ve got a great range of backgrounds, diversity and talent here — engineers, designers, chemists, software developers, marketeers, DJ’s and more — innovating, sharing and supporting each other!


Geunhee Kim — CRL Design, Prototyping & Communications

Industrial Design & Technology, Brunel University London

I’m actually inspired by the CRL tagline, as it sums up a worthwhile and full-filling approach to life and work (also particularly related to designing and making)!

“Work Hard, Have Fun, Make History”

Mandy (Bump Mark)

Mandy Zammit — Design By Sol Ltd (Bump Mark)

Research & Development Chemist

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein

I am truly fortunate in that I spend my days working with innovative startups that are striving to have a real-world environmental and social impact.

It has been a steep learning curve but I can honestly say I have loved every bit of my journey so far. My advice to anyone is, do something worthwhile and dedicate your time and energy towards projects that can actually make a difference in people’s lives and protect our planet!


Stephanie Monty — Director of Ostique Ltd

“If people don’t either love or hate your work, you just haven’t done all that much” Tinker Hatfield


Alice Johnson — CRL, Community Lead

For me it’s really simple — you have to be engaged and interested in what you do, and I’m fortunate that I’ve always managed to do something professionally that I enjoy.

“ I believe that you propel yourself forward towards your goals when you are happy and motivated, so that’s the state I strive to be in to get things done. “

Whether it is filling a community full of likeminded people and watching businesses grow and scale, or playing music in a nightclub, I’m really grateful for the opportunities that I have found (and that have found me).”

Helen playing an invention at EMF Camp

Helen Steer — Director of Do It Kits

@helenleigh @doitkits

I am a big supporter of women and minorities in STEM. One of my big motivations for starting Do It Kits is the way students — particularly girls — respond to hands-on learning in Science classrooms.

Making and hands-on, practical activities can inspire the next generation of awesome engineers in an inclusive way.

In my personal experiences being a woman in STEM has been largely positive. Of course there have been low points over the years: the assumption that you’re a secretary for someone else in the room…….I’ve been fortunate enough to work with a lot of awesome, supportive women and men.

Mandy Nyarko — CRL Programme Manager

“Great works are not performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.”


Solveiga Pakštaitė — Inventor of the Bump Mark food spoilage indicator and founder of Design By Sol.

I never really think about myself being a “female founder” until I look back at group pictures from startup events and it is pointed out to me that I’m usually the only women in the group — joined by one other, at best. It would be amazing to see more women starting their own companies and taking on leadership positions. I maybe don’t notice it so much in my day to day because I’m delighted to say that the team behind Bump Mark has somehow ended up being 100% female. Do companies led by female founders attract more job applications from women? I have no idea.

Cara prototyping in the CRL workshop

Cara O’Sullivan — Ossatura, CEO


There will likely be many things you don’t know how to do when starting your first company which is why a hunger to expand your knowledge is essential;

I will learn whatever I need to make something work, and I encourage others to do the same.”

Erica Purvis — CRL Design & Impact Lead & Founder TechincalNature


It’s important to me to continually step back and question what and why you’re doing what you’re doing and what the outcome might be.

“Every design has a consequence, let’s make it a good one”

How can it contribute and benefit others, society, the environment? As well as of course make yourself happy!

“We are Human BEINGS not DOINGS, take time to BE”

Erica in the CRL workshop

