CRM Consultancy Agency — Big Data & CRM

CRM Perth
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2015

Everyone knows that big data is a big deal, and the potential can be realized through CRM. Big data may not be a new concept, but CRM Perth is interested in Microsoft’s Dynamic 2015’s capacities that can be used for clients, and this is why CRM Perth is concerned about the legislative news that has been surrounding it.

Last week the White House talked about online privacy, as well as tracking with a review that was conducted on Big Data, as well as privacy issues. CRM Perth does not know what type of impact it will have, but continue to read on to find out what the potential impact could be.

The Impact

CRM Perth does not know what the impact will be, as it remains unseen. However, CRM Perth has learnt that the report calls for numerous measures to be taken, such as a consumer bill of privacy rights, a national data breach legislation, as well as an amendment to the ECPA, also known as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.

CRM Perth also learnt that the report is also recommending making do-not-track tools stronger for location technologies. CRM Perth has found out that some of the proposed legislation. Some of the proposed measures do not require action by congress.

With that said, CRM Perth believes that the measures have a steep climb to make.

A Rollback

As a professional CRM Consultancy Agency Perth, we feel obligated to mentioned that there are numerous legislative initiatives to roll back oversight in regards to the mobile medical device space, and this is detailed in the Healthcare Law Blog by Sheppard Mullin. As a professional consultancy agency, we recommend reading the contents of that blog.

As a leader in the CRM consultancy industry, we believe that members of Congress will not be too reactive in the area that concerns medical privacy issues.

Big data is not going anywhere soon, and most consultancy agencies will tell you that. Also, assuming that it is here to stay, you may want to receive some consultancy, and this is why you should contact the best CRM Consultancy Agency in Perth. If you need CRM consultancy, then contact our CRM Perth consultancy agency today for more information, Visit: and do a mail you can feel free to call us: (08) 6102 7284.

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CRM Perth

We make your customer database the most valuable asset your business has to enable you to better manage, market and sell with an integrated, customised CRM