A not quite finished crochet cookie afghan

Crochet Affirmation №29

Leslie Stahlhut
Crochet Affirmations
Oct 16, 2020


Short cuts make long delays.

— J. R. R. Tolkien

I have lost count of the number of hours I have spent devising ways to get crochet tasks done more quickly. But whether I am trying to avoid whip stitching a seam, weaving in an end, or making a gauge swatch, ultimately, I have lost more time to hurriedness and shortcuts than I ever did to doing it right in the first place.



Leslie Stahlhut
Crochet Affirmations

Crocheter on a mission to make the world a better place — one stitch at a time. Twitter: @crochetbug. Crochet blog: https://www.crochetbug.com