A multicolor granny square crochet cardigan
An as yet-to-be finished crochet cardigan — photo by Leslie Stahlhut

Crochet Affirmation №38

Leslie Stahlhut
Crochet Affirmations
Nov 28, 2020


Life is too short too stop work on your crochet; you’ll never finish it all, but you’ll never regret trying. — crochetbug

One truth of crochet is that you will always have something to work on. You will need a sweater, or a purse, or winter will come and someone you care about will need a scarf or a hat. A new baby will be born, and that new being will need to be outfitted in crochet so that they can go out and face the world.

Life generously supplies endless occasions to crochet, so pull out your hooks and move forward with your life and crochet — one stitch at a time.



Leslie Stahlhut
Crochet Affirmations

Crocheter on a mission to make the world a better place — one stitch at a time. Twitter: @crochetbug. Crochet blog: https://www.crochetbug.com