Cronos launches bridge with Terra chain (LUNA token)

Ken Timsit
Published in
4 min readJan 27, 2022

Today we are excited to announce the launch of an IBC channel between Cronos and Terra, to facilitate cross-chain LUNA token transfers in a decentralized manner.

Welcome to the multi-chain world!

Cronos connectivity: let’s recap where we stand today

As an EVM-compatible blockchain network built with the Cosmos SDK, Cronos is uniquely positioned to connect the Ethereum and the Cosmos ecosystems.

Over time, users will be able to take any crypto-asset created on an Ethereum-compatible chain or IBC-compatible chain and use it to trade, lend, borrow, earn, stake, vote, and play on Cronos.

Right now three bridges are live:

  • <> Cronos (CRO token).
  • Cosmos Hub <> Cronos (ATOM token).
  • Terra <> Cronos (LUNA token).

This is in addition to the connection between Cronos and a centralized exchange like, which allows users to withdraw crypto assets directly to their Ethereum-compatible address on Cronos.

How will you bridge LUNA from Terra to Cronos on the Cronos bridge web app at ?


You need to have self-custody crypto wallets on the sending chain (Terra) and on the destination chain (Cronos).

On Terra

On the Terra side, the bridge web app supports Keplr (link to Chrome browser extension).

If you are using Terra Station Wallet or another wallet compatible with Terra, this means that you need to import your wallet account into Keplr, using the 12 or 24 word seed phrase that was provided when you originally created your wallet account.

You need to follow these steps:

  • Open Keplr
  • Click the account icon
  • Click “Add account”
  • Click “Import existing account”
  • Enter seed phrase and create password

On Cronos

On the Cronos side, you can receive your LUNA on any address that you control. We recommend the Defi Wallet (link) together with its browser extension (link) or alternatively you can use the MetaMask wallet (link). Cronos addresses start with “0x”.

If you are using MetaMask and haven’t interacted with Cronos before, please follow the step-by-step guide on how to configure MetaMask for the Cronos chain.

But remember ! Never enter the deposit address of a centralized exchange, otherwise your funds will be lost. Only enter addresses that you control via a self-custodial wallet.

How to bridge LUNA to Cronos?

Go to Cronos Bridge Web App, and follow the steps below:

Step 1: Select Terra network as the origin, and Cronos as the destination. Connect Keplr wallet

You may be asked to approve the connection like so:

Step 2: Enter the destination Cronos address or, more easily, click “Connect second wallet” in order to connect your Defi Wallet or MetaMask wallet on the Cronos chain.

Now, the destination address should start with 0x and your screen should look like this:

Step 3: Select LUNA under Assets

Step 4: Enter the amount you that would like to bridge and click “Transfer assets”:

Step 5: Confirm the transaction

Once deposit is confirmed, Cronos Bridge will start the transfer. The web interface shows the successful transfer initiation from the origination chain.

You will need to check the destination wallet ( DeFi Wallet or MetaMask) to see when your funds are available on the destination chain. It usually takes about a minute.

Can’t see your LUNA in MetaMask (Cronos)? Make sure to connect MetaMask to Cronos and to import the LUNA token using its official address on Cronos: 0x9278C8693e7328bef49804BacbFb63253565dffD.

If you think that you have identified a bug in the bridge web app, please contact

Now what?

Now you can trade, lend, borrow, and invest your hard-earned LUNA on VVS and other projects of the Cronos ecosystem 💪🏽💃.

