The Rise of Mobile Learning

Grant Van Zutphen
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2017

Communication technologies have reshaped our world. The internet is the largest knowledge network ever created. It’s accessible to anyone, anywhere, at any time — and continually increasing wireless connection speeds allow rich and interactive media to be enjoyed by millions of people every day.

With mobile internet our fastest growing internet technology, high-powered mobile device ownership now commonplace, and sophisticated hardware and software developing at an ever-increasing rate, it’s not surprising that learning is going mobile too. Modern learners want convenience and flexibility. These factors are influencing our learning landscape and are fueling the growth of modern learning.

Harnessing this technology in the workplace is a powerful and effective way of passing on corporate knowledge. A rich learning experience means a higher impact learning experience that’s not only educational but also more engaging and motivating.

With more people working in geographically widespread locations, the costs of face-to-face training, venue fees, and the expense of travel and accommodation, etc. can make traditional training methods prohibitive. Conversely, online courses are available anywhere with an internet connection, they have minimal disruption to work routines and can be delivered more than once without incurring additional trainer or venue costs.

Online learning also allows rich interactive experiences that are very difficult to replicate in a classroom setting such as simulations, games, mobile applications, video, and increasingly, virtual and augmented reality. From a corporate perspective, you are in control of how your brand and message is going to be conveyed, and you can be assured that it will be delivered consistently every time.

Online learning also offers an effective and autonomous experience at a pace that suits the individual learner. When educational content is easily accessible on mobile devices it allows learners to engage in educational activities without the constraints of having to do so in a specific physical location. This dramatically increases where and when learners can engage with relevant content, requiring nothing more than the motivation to do so wherever the opportunity arises.

Mobile learning materials assist in providing the support your people need at the time they need it — so from the first exposure to fresh knowledge, skills, and information, to revisiting that knowledge, it’s available to them on demand.

Whether helping your staff develop new skills, instilling a positive work culture, creating a safe and compliant working environment, or providing internal business communication, mobile learning impacts positively on learners by being accessible at any time at a pace determined by the individual. This results in more effective learning outcomes that are far more likely to succeed in being transformative — both in terms of knowledge and understanding, as well as behaviour and implementation.

