Navigating the DeFi Landscape with CROPR: Exploring the challenges of managing DeFi portfolios and how CROPR addresses them.

Johannes Gugl


Decentralized finance (DeFi) has emerged as one of the most transformative trends in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space, offering a wide array of financial services and products without the need for traditional intermediaries. The DeFi landscape has seen rapid development and innovation, with a multitude of protocols and platforms catering to various needs and preferences of users. From staking and lending to decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and yield farming, the DeFi ecosystem has become increasingly diverse and complex. Let’s explore the evolution of DeFi and the challenges users face in navigating this complex landscape and how CROPR is addressing them.

Evolution of DeFi: From Early Innovations to Mainstream Adoption

The roots of DeFi can be traced back to the early days of Ethereum, where projects like MakerDAO pioneered the concept of decentralized lending and stablecoins. Over time, the DeFi ecosystem has expanded significantly, with new protocols and platforms emerging to address different aspects of decentralized finance. The introduction of decentralized exchanges like Uniswap revolutionized asset trading, while lending protocols like Aave and Compound provided users with opportunities to earn interest on their assets.

Key Innovations in DeFi

  1. Staking: Staking allows users to participate in network consensus and earn rewards by locking up their cryptocurrency holdings. Projects like Ethereum 2.0 and Cardano have implemented staking mechanisms to secure their networks and incentivize participation and many others or almost all new blockchains followed suite. Staking gave hodler the opportunity to earn additional yield by staking their tokens by select a Staking Pool or Validator. In many staking systems, token holders have the option to stake their tokens individually or delegate them to a staking pool or validator. Staking pools and validators are responsible for validating transactions and securing the network, and they typically offer rewards to token holders who delegate their tokens to them. Many exchanges and wallets provide a very convenient way to stake tokens. Staking mostly comes with a lock-up period of several months, which makes it difficult to react on market down-turns.
  2. Liquid Staking: Liquid staking protocols enable users to stake their assets while maintaining liquidity, allowing them to participate in DeFi activities without waiting for staking periods to end. Platforms like Lido Finance and Staked offer liquid staking solutions for various blockchain networks. Liquid staking allows token holders to participate in staking rewards while retaining the ability to trade or utilize their staked assets in other DeFi protocols. By staking liquid tokens, holders can maximize their yield potential by earning staking rewards while simultaneously leveraging their assets for additional income opportunities. Unlike traditional staking, where tokens are locked up for a specified period, liquid staking provides token holders with liquidity, allowing them to withdraw or transfer their staked assets at any time. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for investors who require access to their funds for trading, lending, or other purposes without waiting for staking periods to end. Liquid staking bridges the gap between staked assets and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, enabling token holders to leverage their staked assets in various DeFi applications. Staked tokens can be used as collateral for loans, providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges (DEXs), or participating in liquidity pools, yield farming, and other DeFi strategies. By leveraging the benefits of liquid staking, investors can maximize their yield potential, seamlessly integrate with the DeFi ecosystem, and actively participate in network governance, contributing to the growth and decentralization of blockchain networks.
  3. Lending: Lending is a key component of decentralized finance (DeFi), allowing cryptocurrency owners to earn interest or secure loans without selling their assets. This process is facilitated through peer-to-peer lending platforms such as Aave, Compound, and MakerDAO, using blockchain technology for transparency and security. Borrowers provide crypto as collateral, mostly significantly over-collateralized with way more than the loan amount to mitigate market risks, while lenders receive interest payments. Crypto lending offers liquidity and broadens financial access, but it also carries risks like market volatility and potential security vulnerabilities on lending platforms. Many of the lending protocols also offer additional yield through their own token as an incentive award and therewith increase the yield in order to attract liquidity. On the other side, lending protocols can be used to borrow on existing holdings to use the borrowed funds for trading and leverage.
  4. Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) and Automated Market Makers (AMMs): DEXs like Uniswap, SushiSwap, and PancakeSwap facilitate peer-to-peer trading of digital assets without the need for centralized intermediaries. AMMs use algorithms to determine asset prices and provide liquidity to trading pairs, enabling efficient and decentralized asset swaps. Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and automated market makers (AMMs) have revolutionized cryptocurrency trading by enabling peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries. For liquidity providers, DEXs and AMMs offer the opportunity to earn fees by supplying assets to liquidity pools. While providing liquidity can generate passive income, it also comes with risks such as impermanent loss and exposure to market volatility. Additionally, navigating the complexities of optimizing liquidity provision across multiple pools and managing associated risks requires careful consideration and expertise. Despite these challenges, participating as a liquidity provider on DEXs and AMMs can yield lucrative rewards for those willing to engage in decentralized finance.
  5. Yield Farming: Yield farming involves leveraging DeFi protocols to maximize returns on cryptocurrency holdings. Users can earn rewards by providing liquidity to AMMs, participating in liquidity mining programs, or lending their assets on decentralized lending platforms. Yield farming has emerged as a popular strategy in decentralized finance (DeFi), allowing users to earn passive income by providing liquidity to various protocols and platforms. By staking or locking up their assets in liquidity pools, yield farmers can earn rewards in the form of additional tokens or fees generated by the protocol. While yield farming offers the potential for high returns, it also carries risks such as impermanent loss, smart contract vulnerabilities, and market volatility. Successful yield farming requires careful research, risk management, and monitoring of various factors such as token prices, liquidity pool dynamics, and protocol changes. Despite the complexities and risks involved, yield farming has become an attractive option for those seeking to maximize their earnings in the DeFi ecosystem.
  6. Strategy Vaults: Strategy vaults automate yield farming strategies, allowing users to optimize returns on their assets without actively managing their investments. Strategy vaults represent an advanced form of yield optimization in decentralized finance (DeFi), offering users automated and diversified investment strategies to maximize returns on their assets. These vaults leverage sophisticated algorithms and smart contract automation to dynamically allocate funds across different yield-generating opportunities, such as liquidity provision, yield farming, and lending protocols. Examples of strategy vaults include platforms like Yearn Finance and Harvest Finance, which offer a range of vaults with varying risk profiles and investment strategies. While strategy vaults can potentially generate higher returns, users should be aware of the associated risks, including smart contract vulnerabilities and market volatility. Overall, strategy vaults provide an accessible and efficient way for users to participate in DeFi and optimize their investment strategies for maximum yield.
  7. Insurance Protocols: Insurance protocols like Nexus Mutual and Cover provide coverage against smart contract exploits and other risks in the DeFi ecosystem.
    Insurance protocols in decentralized finance (DeFi) offer users the opportunity to mitigate risks and protect their assets against unforeseen events such as smart contract vulnerabilities or protocol exploits. These protocols typically operate on the principle of pooled risk, where users contribute funds to a collective pool in exchange for coverage against specific risks. In return for providing liquidity to the insurance pool, users can earn yields in the form of premiums or rewards generated by the protocol. However, it’s essential for users to carefully assess the risks and terms associated with participating in insurance protocols, as coverage may be subject to certain conditions, limitations, and exclusions. Additionally, users should monitor the protocol’s performance, security measures, and governance decisions to ensure the safety and reliability of their investments. By exercising diligence and caution, users can leverage insurance protocols to protect their assets and earn yields in the evolving landscape of DeFi.

Challenges in Navigating the DeFi Landscape

While DeFi offers numerous opportunities for users to earn yield and participate in decentralized finance, navigating the landscape can be daunting and complex. Some of the key challenges users face include:

  1. Cross-Chain Dealing: Interacting with multiple blockchains and protocols requires users to navigate cross-chain bridges, which can be complex and prone to risks such as bridge failures or asset loss.
  2. Finding Yield Opportunities: Identifying profitable yield opportunities amidst the vast array of DeFi protocols and strategies requires research, analysis, and understanding of market dynamics.
  3. Evaluating Risks: Assessing the risks associated with different DeFi protocols and strategies, including smart contract vulnerabilities, liquidity risks, and impermanent loss, requires a deep understanding of DeFi mechanics and risk management principles.
  4. Executing Transactions: Executing transactions on DeFi platforms involves interacting with smart contracts and blockchain networks, which can be technical and intimidating for users with limited experience in blockchain technology.
  5. Tracking Investments: Monitoring the performance of DeFi investments and tracking yields across multiple protocols and platforms can be challenging due to the decentralized nature of DeFi and the lack of standardized reporting tools.

How CROPR addresses the DeFi Challenges

As explained so far, DeFi offer tremendous opportunities for crypto hodler to earn additional yields, but also to protect the portfolio. But you have to dive deep to know how, and how you can manage the risks accompanied with the opportunities. Because as in the traditional world it is even more true in crypto, RISK-AND-RETURN.

CROPR was founded out of the own need and a clear market need to manage crypto portfolios easier and provide convenient access to all kinds of DeFi opportunities to the mass.

Let’s directly discuss how CROPR address the above mentioned challenges:

Cross-Chain Dealing: Make the most out of DeFi opportunities requires dealing cross-chain. CROPR tackles this in two ways:

1. The integration of our Multi-Chain-Multi-Wallet solution allows to connect wallets from different chains to gain a complete view over your holdings. The deep protocol integration through our DeFi adapter allows to directly interact with the protocols and participate in yield opportunities directly from CROPR.

2. CROPR is also a DeFi aggregator, and thereby we’re integrating a growing number of DeFi protocols such as DEX’s and bridges. We’ve identified OpenOcean as a wonderful aggregator service that also offers the integration of bridges to choose from and directly bridge tokens to other chains. Thereby our multi-wallet integration provides the benefits to directly manage and see the transactions in CROPR and also track and record it.

Finding Yield Opportunities: A main goal of CROPR is the direct link to yield opportunities from each token. This means that in CROPR you can click on any token in your portfolio and it directly shows you all the yield opportunities to this particular token. This can be a simple staking or lending pool, liquidity provision paired with another token or even more advanced strategy vaults or yield strategies. This means you don’t really have to find yield opportunities, rather the yield opportunities find you. An additional function we’re building in currently is an notification system, which informs the user in case the APY drops significantly and other more profitable opportunities are coming up to switch the position. Our goal at the beginning to integrate with protocols and services that cover the broadest range of tokens, why we started with Uniswap, Aave and Balancer as well as going to integrate with Blockdaemon as staking service. Next step is to integrate more protocols, especially native ones on other prominent chains.

Evaluating Risks: As already mentioned and what should be clear for everyone in the crypto space, DeFi opportunities all come with a certain risk. Especially when it comes to really juice yields. Risks can stem from the impairment loss in AMM’s, but also hacking, phishing and rug-pulls. The latter means that a protocol was just fraudulently set-up to bring users to deposit tokens, just to then transfer the tokens to another wallet, shut down the protocol and disappear with the tokens. This is not uncommon and users have lost millions to such fraudulent schemes. However, exploiting protocols is still a big issue in the market billions have been hacked over the past years. At CROPR we’re ware we cannot protect against all of those risks as even well-established and multiple audited protocols have been exploited.

In order to mitigate the risks, we’re only integrating protocols that have been audited by our partner DeFi Safety ( and working close with the protocols teams to make sure that the project are legit and have implemented also risk measures to actively protect exploits.

Executing Transactions: Typically, transactions have to be executed with the protocol directly, which means that a user have to keep track of all of the positions by constantly connecting with the protocol. Although you can track positions already with certain DeFi tracking tools such as DeFi Saver, De.Fi or IntstaDapp, non of them offer a direct integration to execute and manage from it. CROPR was developed with the idea to create a manageable DeFi aggregator cockpit to directly interact with the protocols. Therefore, we’ve developed a special DeFi adapter, that allows the interaction with the protocol and makes CROPR to a powerful and convenient DeFi interaction cockpit.

Tracking Investment

Another very daunting challenge is the tracking of the investments. Navigating in the DeFi world efficiently requires the use of multiple chains and wallets. With CROPR we developed a system that provides this heavily needed function to track everything seamlessly, as well as give you a deep dive into analytics of all your holdings and activities and even track and record for reporting like tax or clients reporting in case you’re using CRORP as professional to manage client portfolios.


At CROPR it is our dedicated mission to make DeFi accessible, efficient and secure for all and we’re working tireless to fulfil this mission. We are addressing the challenges as laid-out in this post and we will further work on the best ways to make DeFi accessible and manageable for the mass that those true innovations can prosper and everyone can benefit from the rewards it provides.



Johannes Gugl
Editor for

Innovation-driven entrepreneur building solutions that make sense - I write about #RIVAMarkets - #CROPR and other things I find interesting to share