Cros announces the release of its first-ever limited-edition Multiverse Pass with massive potential earnings

Published in
4 min readAug 9, 2022

We know you were aware that something was cooking up!

It indeed was.

Cros is here with its first limited-edition Multiverse Pass that would give you quick and straightforward access to the first ever Ad Asset NFT worth $600.

But that’s not even half of the deal.

Cros Multiverse Pass also gives you an opportunity to earn 12 APY on advertising assets, additional bonus multipliers for ad asset networks, staking benefits, early and exclusive access to Cros token events, among other incredible benefits that Cros Multiverse Pass has to offer.

So, what exactly are we talking about? And what are Ad Asset NFTs? Before we spill the beans, let’s get on the same page.

What is Cros Multiverse Pass?

Let’s address the first part of the puzzle first.

What is Cros?

For starters, Cros is a web3 metaverse advertising blockchain-based infrastructure with non-fungible ad-assets, ad-bids, auction formats, and ad-impressions residing on-chain, providing for transparent allocation and pricing of advertisements in virtual worlds. Cros connects publishers willing to publish ads on metaverses with brands willing to advertise their products on metaverse through a secure infrastructure technology in an intuitive and decentralized manner through powerful mechanisms and digital assets.

So what is Cros Multiverse Pass?

Cros is rolling out a limited-edition Multiverse Pass that gives you access to your first Ad Asset NFT worth $600 absolutely free, along with an array of incredible benefits. The Cros Multiverse Pass will be sold at a very special price for selected people at $199 during presale and $599 during the public sale. The math is pretty simple, right? It goes without saying — go and secure your Pass during presale while also laying your hands on all the amazing offers.

And if you wondering what is an Ad Asset NFT:

It is an NFT that can be a billboard, a hologram, or any other creative container that can be placed in a virtual world and play multiple advertising formats such as videos, pictures, and other interactive metaverse-related advertising tools.

Technically, similar to Google AdSense, Cros Ad Assets are an integral entity of the Cros Ad network that connects advertisers with publishers, ad-exchanges, SSPs, and DSPs.

But who are publishers and how can they earn money from Cros?

Publishers are land owners who own lands and special ad spaces on any metaverse. Publishers can deploy the Ad Asset NFT on their property or land and start earning advertising income from it. Consider it as your ticket to place billboards on key roads and plazas, conduct events, display holograms on key locations within the metaverse and the possibilities are endless. With Cros Multiverse Pass, you can mint this Ad Asset NFT for free, with no whitelisting and other fine-print involved.

To recap, here are Cros Multiverse Pass’ announced benefits:

  • You get your first Ad Asset NFT worth $600 absolutely free
  • You get 2nd Ad Asset NFT @50% discount and the next five NFTs @20% discount (worth up to $900)
  • You also can claim 5% and 10% extra bonus multipliers if you have 5+ Ad Asset NFTs and 20+ Ad Asset NFTs connected to the same pass respectively (worth more than $10,000)
  • You also get additional 1% staking benefit on CRS token
  • And, if you choose to keep your NFT for one year or more, you will earn a guaranteed earnings @12 APY

But we are not yet done, here are other non-monetary benefits that are just as exciting:

  • You get early access to the Beta release of Cros and its products
  • You also get a grand entry to welcome list for future Cros NFT drops (thank us later!)
  • And, you also secure exclusive access to the non-public sale of Cros tokens

And don’t forget, NFTs with this scarcity and all these benefits are expected to appreciate in a very short time. At Cros, due to its scarce condition, we expect an appreciation of 20X a year on the multiverse pass.

Sounds exciting?

It, surely, does.

Ready to claim your Cros Multiverse Pass?

  • Visit Cros home page and click ‘Get Whitelisted.’
  • Connect your crypto wallet
  • Do the honors, and claim your pass

So, let’s get the ball rolling. If you have any questions or want to dig anything deeper, connect with us here:

About Cros

CROS is an advertising platform and protocol connecting metaverses with advertisers using blockchain smart contracts. CROS enables Metaverses to power Advertising and eCommerce. Connecting Metaverses with advertisers and users in an intuitive and decentralized process. Standardizing Advertising NFTs and powering immersive consumer economy across metaverses. Enabling Everyone to earn from advertising and unlocking new heights for the play and earn economy.

For any questions, please feel free to reach out to us on:







