Cros Community AMA Transcript

Published in
5 min readJul 20, 2022

For those of you who might have missed our first AMA, please read the transcript below.

Don’t forget to join our Telegram chat:

Q1: Before we start we would like to introduce you to the community. For those who are new to Cros, could you please tell us about yourselves and the team?



Cros is being built and led by technology veterans. Our team has a wealth of talent and experience with experts coming from leading companies like Google, Amazon, EY, Microsoft, Delloite & PwC. I’m one of the co-founders. I have previously worked at Microsoft for over a decade and have led dynamic and complex technology projects as an Architect.

Q2: To proceed, What partnerships do you have currently?

Sachin: Thanks for asking that! We have many amazing partnerships. The recent being with Microsoft where Cros is onboarded as a part of their Startup Program. Our partners also include Polygon, Bitscrunch, Decentraland, Polygon Studios, Sandbox, Roblox, Parsiq, IQ Protocol, and more.

Host: Having Microsoft is definitely a big one I must say😌🤩

Sachin: Absolutely we are so excited!

Q3: So, What problem are you trying to solve?

Sachin: This is another good question! I must say we are loving the interest the community has shown in us!

So to answer your question, The Metaverse today has no infrastructure or standards for advertising and consumer economy, and the landowners have no automated and measured way to monetize their assets. Cros’s one-stop-shop platform will empower metaverses and land owners to connect with brands to advertise and sell to users across Metaverses in a fully measurable & automated process. Standardizing advertising NFTs & powering immersive commerce experience across the metaverses. Enabling everyone in the community to earn from advertising and unlocking new heights for the web3 economy.

Q4: So, What are the use-cases of Cros?

Sachin: Cros will offer the community an amazing opportunity to invest in powerful NFT advertising assets such as but not limited to, billboards, holograms, screens, etc. The value of these assets is expected to surmount with the growth in the metaverse. Major brands have already started exploring the power of advertising in the metaverse and we are just a few steps away from its boom. Owners of ad asset NFTs will have the power to display ads, earn ad revenue, trade ad assets and earn a hefty passive income.

Q5: Excellent, my time has come to Boom with Cros💥🔥🥳🥳🥳

But compared to other relatives, can you please tell us why Cros is so unique?

Sachin: Cros has a very holistic approach in terms of the platform we are building. We are not focused on just one part of the community which is advertisers, but we are opening the gates for each and every member of the community. There are no restrictions, no minimum requirements and our process are completely transparent.

Q6: So, Could you tell me a little bit about your roadmap going forward, How do you plan to onboarding users and gain more adoption for your project?

Sachin: Oh definitely! We are very excited about our next steps. We are a team of early adopters and we are building our technology which will not limit us to any metaverse. In addition to being able to expand onto the various metaverses, we are embracing the next wave of advertising in Web3. We plan to offer brands a solution for designing and strategizing their NFT lines. Our platform will not only target advertisers but anyone who would want to showcase their ideas, creations, and brands in the Metaverse

Q7: Also, Can you give further information about Blueprints and its benefits?

I’m sure everyone would want to know☺️

Sachin: Sure, so our Blueprint NFTs will form the basis of consumer economy on the metaverse. The blueprint holders will be assigned our Ad Asset NFTs. Through these NFTs, users will be able to earn advertising revenue on metaverses, trade & upgrades. Each blueprint will have unique features and attributes which would offer a unique proposition and earning & trading capacity

Q8: Wow🥰

Talking about NFTs, When will the NFT Drop happen?

Sachin: Very soon! Our Blueprints will be dropped on August 1 followed by a Blueprint Reveal

Q9: Alrighttttt

But How many people will be able to buy during NFT Drop?

Sachin: We will be dropping a total of 5000 limited edition blueprints ✨

Q10: Wow, limited😄

So, Do you have any explainer video?

Sachin: Our explainer video would be out very soon for you to understand us even better 💙

Q11: Lastly, Where is the company based?

Sachin: Cros is based out of Singapore with experts and teams spread globally. Talent knows no boundary

Q12: What would be the advantage point of view from advertisers’ end, when using Cros?

Sachin: Advertising in metaverse was never so easy and seamless before. With many brands still new to the metaverse, Cros is building something so easy to adapt and connect with their customers in the metaverse.

Q13: So, if I own land in the metaverse, does that mean I can rent it out to people who want to advertise through Cros?

Sachin: As a land owner, all you have to do is deploy our ad asset on your land. Just sit back and relax. You and asset NFT will work for you and earn you a passive income

Q14: Hi 👋 What NFT platform will the NFT drop be on? Will Cros create its own NFT marketplace?

Sachin: You will have to stay tuned for that! We will soon announce our partnered NFT marketplace 🎉

Q15: You mentioned that you will be creating NFTs for major brands. Can you tell me what brands these will be?

Sachin: We will be creating NFTs for the community! These NFTs can then be used by brands to advertise themselves with us. As I said we are for the community ❤️

Q16: What is the next marketing plan for the Cros project? For large holders what are the main benefits of your project for long-term holding?

Sachin: Metaverse is expected to grow by leaps and bounds. And by staying invested in us, you will be assured of handsome returns💸

Q17: Hi, you know community support is one of the biggest aspects of a project’s success. Most projects have programs that interact with their users. Does Cros project have any special plans to attract and expand the community and improve the user experience?

Sachin: Absolutely! For Cros, it’s a community first 🥇 we value your support and it means so much to us! We have some exciting events planned. But would love to know your ideas too.

