Monetise your land using Cros NFT

Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2022

Asset monetization and passive income have always been the central premise for any cryptocurrency investment. Yet, Metaverse investors are confined to expanding their virtual revenue streams despite Metaverses providing new ways of monetizing every inch of virtual ground.

Facebook’s META rebranding has kickstarted a large influx of metaverse investment capital. Yet, new metaverse users are developing new expectations about the potential of monetizing every piece of Web3 content. Regardless of their virtual holdings, users could be able to capitalize on their existing virtual assets and contribute to a new metaverse financial model.

The current financial return model is outdated, as token volatility can hinder users’ ability to generate steady income. Metaverse token holders can generate revenue by trading, holding for a long term, or flipping their NFT metaverse assets. However, engaging in such activities doesn’t unlock the full potential of decentralized virtual worlds.

Metaverses are characterized by virtual space, which is held by individual users. For that reason, Cros Network is developing a new market solution where LAND owners can generate revenue without selling or leasing their land to third parties. By connecting advertisers with land owners, Cros Network aims to achieve a new model where people can earn a share of the advertising revenue generated on their LAND.

Cros Advertising Solution

Cros Network is implementing a new way of connecting advertisers and Metaverse users. Without creating intrusive assets and NFTs, Cros has built out the Cros NFT Ad assets, which are virtual structures where advertisers can access and share ads for a potential target audience.

Such structures can be either in the form of a billboard or hologram, but they can also be implemented on non-static assets such as wearables, collectibles, or NFTs. Once LAND owners add these structures to their property, the property can then be listed in the Cros Ads Manager and become available to advertisers.

Each active advertising structure will tell advertisers important information such as the location, placement, and even the possible reach of a campaign. The property must be first listed as open so Advertisers and Cros can have access.

Users with a listed property can gather key data points on the performance of their structure. Cros has developed a user dashboard that tracks the number of user visits and the number of property views. This also serves as a performance indicator for Advertisers to identify best performing locations.

Moreover, users will have access to their earnings reports, and they can keep track of their balance which then they can withdraw to any external wallet. Cros does not implement vesting periods or token locks on new users’ earnings.

Metaverse interoperability is the next stepping stone for decentralized virtual worlds. As metaverses will gather more users, the need for an encompassing advertising protocol centered around users’ needs will continue to grow. That is why Cros Network’s Metaverse Advertising Platform will become a Web3 marketing pillar as brands will start to flood the space.

About Cros

CROS is an advertising platform and protocol connecting metaverses with advertisers using blockchain smart contracts. CROS enables Metaverses to power Advertising and eCommerce. Connecting Metaverses with advertisers and users in an intuitive and decentralized process. Standardizing Advertising NFTs and powering immersive consumer economy across metaverses. Enabling Everyone to earn from advertising and unlocking new heights for the play and earn economy.

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