
Cross Country
Published in
1 min readJul 16, 2015

Day 37. Today was our day to explore Atlanta. We had a couple of musts. First thing was first, the World Of Coca Cola. It was pretty cool. We did a guided tour and learned about the history of Coca Cola, we also got to taste test Coca Cola products from all over the world. Oh, and they had a pretty damn cool gift shop, just saying.


After we left the World Of Coca Cola we walked through the Bicentennial Olympic Park, Atlanta was the home to the 1996 games, the last time the US held the Summer Olympics. We made our way over to the CNN building, and with the luck of the draw they had a Burger Fi. We had that for lunch, and just walked around a bit, no more tours or things.

After we ate and walked around, we went to get some dinner. We decided to eat in, and cooked some chicken and vegetables. We ate dinner, hung out, and called it a night. Tomorrow we hit up Savannah, Georgia. Then we’ll spend the night in Charleston, South Carolina. That’s all folks.

Go to for videos from the trip.

